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KEYS ****

People who gather-together to help each other to Mitigate-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts
will inevitably bring-with-them some of their own Past-Committments/Attitudes/Moods/Assumptions that 
Incline them to Support/Oppose - - - Particular:

Leaders      Causes      Victims         Honored-People      Ideologies     Paradigms     Religious-Traditions

Cultures     Coalitions  Investments     Interests           Income-Means   Educations    Provinces/Counties

Countries    Coalitions  Professions     Work-Settings       Languages      Sciences      Technologies

Life-Styles  Religions   Rituals         Liturgies           Teachings      Logics        Reasoning-Patterns

The Challenge is to Balance-the-Effects of the above embedded: attitudes, committments, believes, habits, etc.

- - - through sober-well-informed-and-thoughtful assessments of the costs associated with various forms of
Alienative:  Violence, Ignorance, Prejudices,  Biases,  Paralyses,   Mental Illnesses,  Injuries, etc.

Winning-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Usually-Costs-So-Much that Long-Term-SUSTAINABILITY is undermined.

THUS: People who continue to assume/believe that they, their children, and their grand-children - - -
will in the Long-Term Enjoy-Net-Profits from continuing to Win-More-Alienative-Conflicts - - - are out of
touch with current realities - - - and are not ready to engage authentically in helping each other to 
Mitigate-Their-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - to the NET-LONG-TERM-BENEFIT OF THEIR OWN DESCENDENTS!