KEYS **** To help each other to: 1. Maintain-Our-Personal and Communal Integrities and health Together-in-Shalom, 2. Avoid Excessive: Risks, Costs and Dangers, 3. Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts, 4. Avoid Labeling-Each-Other as Evil-or-Good People-In-Isolation from Shalom's-Ways of LOVE, 5. Avoid-Corruption due to the Concentrations of Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes, with their Corporate-Colonial-Adventures; 6. Discuss-Honestly The-Implications-of How Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated God's Space-Ship-Earth Is-In-Fact; From All Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources That are Most-Like the Most-Coveted Material-Resources Now Inside-of-Space-Ship-Earth, and Now-being-exhausted through EXPONENTIAL-GROWTHS IN CONSUMPTION. 7. AVOID: Arrogance, Self-Righteousness, Systemic-Distributive-Injustice, Hubris, Violence Coercion, Alienative-Conformity Etc. We need Mitigate-all-Realities that threaten to Undermine-the-SUSTAINABILITY of Civilization; Even if doing so will cost us some of our EXCESSIVE-PROFITS that generate ALIENATIVE-COSTS!