KEYS **** When we are choosing which candidates to support; a large fraction of people look at which-side of "Important-Alienative-Conflicts" each candidate supports; while not paying much attention to efforts to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts" - - - as if such efforts were of no importance. For most voters, what is most important is WINNING Alienative-Conflicts. To such voters, Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts is seen as far less important than WINNING Alienative- Conflicts; and less important than Defeating-Candidates who are on the WRONG-SIDE of the Alieinative- Conflicts. WINNING-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS will reliably perpetuate ALIENATIONS-AND-CONFLICTS! CONFUSING-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS with more important matters will perpetuate ALIENATIONS-AND-CONFLICTS! OBSCURING-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS will perpetuate ALIENATIONS-AND-CONFLICTS! Being-Dominant in WINNING will perpetuate ALIENATIONS-AND-CONFLICTS! Concentrating-Powers-and-Wealth will perpetuate ALIENATIONS-AND-CONFLICTS! Voters need to focus upon candidates who are seeking to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts! OTHERWISE our Congress and Legislatures will become totally dysfunctional, as in 2010!