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KEYS ****

To Graciously-Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-conflicts- - - we must recognize what is ABSENT-
from-our-lives - - - and cooperate in regenerating the Gracious-Presence of what is ABSENT; e.g.:

Open-and-Honest-Dialogue         Modesty          Honesty           Hospitality        Humility

Meekness        Generosity       Kindness         Sensitivity       Sympathy           Empathy

Reflexivity     Meditation       Prayer           Shalom            Cooperation        Colaboration

How well we Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - depends greatly upon how well we can
accurately-and-reliably describe OUR-OWN REFLEXIVE-RELATIONSHIPS to-ourselves-and-each-other

Our-Own-Experiences which impinge upon Our-Own: Self-Esteem, Self-Respect, Self-Perceptions,

Self-Regard, Personal-Integrity, Communal-Integrity, Authenticity, Coherence, Self-Understanding;

and upon our Desires-to-WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception.

Our-Own-Reflexive-Relationships include Our-Relationships-With:

Other-People             Our-Possessions    Our-Money-and-Wealth     Sexual-Desires      Sexual-Fantasies

Sexual-Repressions       Religious-Beliefs Religious-Rituals         Religious-Dogmas    Family-Members

Our-Self-Image           Our: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues    Failures, Accidents and Tragedies

Descriptions of others   Descriptions of Objective:  Facts, Relationships, Processes, Predictions, Expectations
Descriptions of self     Descriptions of Reflexive:  Realities, Relationships, Processes, Expectations, etc.

Descriptions of Our-Own: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Priorities, Life-Styles, etc.

Descriptions of Others': Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes, Priorities, Life-Styles, etc.

Descriptions of Others Whom We:  Admire, Respect, Honor, Trust, Emulate, and want to be working with.

Descriptions of how we can help each other to Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts in Shalom's-Ways-of-LOVE.


To the extent that honest, accurately-and-reliably described   Reflexive-Insights   ARE-ABSENT  from our lives,

- - - We cannot truly Mitigate Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts.   In the continuation of such ABSENCES - - -

we are doomed to alienation from each other - - - to the extent that we pride ourselves on always being objective

in our relationships with each other - - - as we WIN our Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deceptions.


In the presence of GREED; it is nearly-impossible to make any truly: Reliable and Accurate-Objective-Statements:
About "What/Who is Enough".

About "What/Who is Sufficiently-objective".

About "What/Who is Sufficiently-analytic".

About "What/Who is Sufficiently-Domineering".

About "What/Who is Tolerable".

About "What/Who is Pure-enough".

About "When  MORE  Generates-Alienative-Conflicts".

About "What is Long-Term-Sustainable".