KEYS **** When we are considering whether or not to: honor, respect, admire, support, trust, revere or tolerate - - - the actions of Domineering-Bullies and/or of Mobbing-Mobsters - - - we will do well to take due note of the disparities between them and other persons with regard to: 1. Concentrations of Wealth, 2. Concentrations of Powers, 3. Physical size, strength and energy, 4. Inherited powers, wealth and abilities, 5. How healthy they are, and why; 6. What privileged/entitled "classes" they "belong" to; 7. How well educated they are, and why/how they "got" educated; 8. How and where they focus their attentions, 9. What they often ignore and/or pointedly "neglect", 10. Whom they often ignore and/or pointedly "neglect", 11. Systemic-Injustices within their communities, 12. Systemic-Distributive-Injustices within their communities, 13. Percentages of Governmental Expenditures for War and Terrorist Activities that are Alienative, 14. The Long-Term-Consequential-Costs of War and Terrorism-Activities that are inherently Alienative, 15. Percentages of Governmental Expenditures to Protect Communal-Integrities and Integrative Processes, 16. Percentages of Governmental Expenditures in support of other Inherently-Alienative-Activities, 17. Who is especially vulnerable - - - why that is the case, and what remediation is possible/desirable.