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KEYS ****

Each miraculous-occasions of people collaborating in Mitigating-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - -

usually includes in Gracious-Integrative-Ways - - - may of the following aspects; but without Guarantees!

 1. An Evolving-Consensus that the Alienative-Conflicts are NOT-Mutually-Advantageous for Most-of-the-
    People who are involved in one-way-or-another-way:

    a. As initiators and/or victims,
    b. As perpetuators and/or victims,
    c. As objective/reflexive Systems-Analysts,
    d. As Unilateral Profiteers/Losers,
    e. As Players trying to WIN-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception,
    f. As  Presumed  Winners of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception,
    g. As Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes in Profitable-Adventures,
    h. As For-Profit-Only Great-Corporations and/or as Coalitions of them,
    i. As Dominant Males and/or Females,
    j. As Dominant Addicts and/or Codependent-Supporters-of-Addicts,
    k. As Victims in any kind of Sexual-Relationships,
    l. As Victims in any kind of Addict/Codependent Relationships,
    m. "Getting-to-Yes" and/or "Getting-Past-No" by Fisher and/or Ury,
    n. "Getting-Together" by Fisher and/or Ury,
    o. Getting-Apart in Alienative-Conflicts-Together,
    p. Getting-Alienation through Alienative-Conflicts-of-Distrust,
    q. Creating Chaos-Garbage-Pollution Together/Apart,
    r. Creating Armageddon through Cooperative-Alienative-Conflicts Together/Apart,
    s. As Criminals and/or Self-Righteous  Good  and/or  Evil   People   in Alienative-Conflicts-Together,
    t. As Professional Labelers of Good and/or Evil  Individual-Persons  in Alienative-Conflicts,
    u. As Concentrators of Power and/or Wealth and/or Influence-Peddlers Doing Business with Venal Dealers,
    v. As Alienators/Estranged Individual-People who have been officially labeled as "Good-People".

 2. An Evolving Consensus/Vision of How Participants/Victims can collaborate in Integrative-Explorations 
    of Evolving Levels/Realms of Reflexive-Intimate-Persona-Relationships - - - which include:

    a. Mutually-Creative/Maintained Sanctuaries for all people who work to facilitate 
       SAFE Open-and-Honest-Dialogues Therein.

    b. Mutually-Enjoyed Balanced-Intimacies with Committments to Facilitate:
       Reconciliations, Hospitality, Generosity, Open-and-Honest-Dialogues and
       Explorations of New/Healthy Living-Together in Long-Term-SUSTAINABLE-WAYS - - -
       Within-God's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.

    c. Honesty about Exponential-Growth-Patterns of Human-Activity within God's
       Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth --- with Finite-Resources.

    d. Honesty about the Growth-of-ENTROPY/CHAOS within each Isolated-Volume-of-Space - - -
       to the extent that it Totally-Isolated and Energy-is-being-Transformed and/or
       Moved-around within the Totally-Isolated-Volume-of-Space.

    e. Honesty about the Futility-of-Labeling  Isolated-Persons/Groups  as "GOOD" OR "EVIL" 
       persons-in-isolation - - - apart-from   Healthy-Intimate-Reflexive-Relationships. 
       It is more helpful to focus attention upon the natures of Personal-Relationships; and 
       to work on Mitigating-Alieantive-Conflicts within  Un-Healthy-Persoan-Relationships.