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KEYS ****

There are probably many Domineering-Bullies in the world who will be uncomfortable with allowing some 
of the essays that have been included here at - - - to be read, criticized and improvements
made to the already published essays - - - and those improved descriptions themselves be published.

Such Uncomfortable-Domineering-Bullies would seem to be more comfortable as official-sensors in a world
that was free-from-the-risks of Constitutionally Guaranteed-Freedoms of: Religion, Speech, Press, Petition, 
Assembly and unbiased-fair-elections!   Such freedoms can be the down-fall of Domineering-Bullies!

Such Uncomfortable-Domineering-Bullies would seem to be more comfortable as: dictators, kings, queens and
emperors - - - in charge of publishing absolutely true: Scriptures, Scripts and Interpretations of them.

Be Aware and Beware of the dangers in dealing with even the most benevolent of such Domineering-Bullies!
Their motivations may be pure; guided primarily by: Greed, Envy, Coveting, Fears, Terrors, Insecurity, 
Anxiety-over-Not-Being-Fully-in-Control, etc.