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KEYS ****

We undermine/destroy our-own and each-other's Personal-and-Communal 
Integrities through dishonesty and/or pretense whenever we:

Demand/Command each other to Pretend-that-we:

a. Are - - - what we are NOT.
b. Want - - - what we do NOT want.
c. Need - - - what we do NOT need,
d. Desire - - - what we do NOT desire,
e. Believe, what we do NOT believe,
f. Welcome, what we do NOT welcome,
g. Can-Do, what we can NOT do,
h. Can-Play, Roles that we can NOT-Play.

We undermine/destroy our-own and each-other's Personal-and-Communal 
Integrities through dishonesty and/or pretense whenever we:

Try to comply in response to the above kinds of Demands/Commands - - - 
that are totally lacking in authentic integrity/intent.