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KEYS ****

We need to DISCERN in   Private-and-Public   Open-and-Honest-Dialogues   THE-CONTEXTS-WITHIN-WHICH

People-Gain-PROFITS-FOR-THEMSELVES     as    Greedy-Egocentric           Domineering-Bullies

AT-THE-EXPENSE-OF    Initiating and/or Augmenting    Alienative-Conflicts and Patterns-of-ALIENATION:

Such CONTEXTS may be Helpfully-Characterized in terms of the Prevailing-Presence-Within-Them OF:

Corporations         Domineering-Bullies     Mobbing-Mobsters      Advertisements       "Promises"

Seductive-Offers     "Idealism"              "Investments"         "Economic-Systems"   "Capitalism"

"Possessions"        "Territories"           "News-Reporters"      "Entertainers"       "Pretentions"

"Capitalists"        "Wealthy-Managers"      Corporate CEOs        "Secrets"            "Collusions"

"Defensive-People"   "Vulnerable-People"     "Winners"             "Losers"             "Competitions"

Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes  "Winners-of-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception"

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-Help-To-Mitigate-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-MITIGATE-COMPLICITY-Within-Alienative-Conflicts?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-AWAY-FROM-Alienative-Conflicts?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-SUSTAINABLE-Life-Styles?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-SUSTAINABLE-Ideals, Values & Principles?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-Our-Own LIMITS-and-LIMITATIONS?


     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-Cooperation-Colaboration-Coordination?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-Communication-Listening-and-Dialogue?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-Reconciliations-and Integrations?

     How can we within such CONTEXTS  Graciously-SHIFT-ATTENTION-TOWARD-Setting-Integrative-Communal-Priorities?


We might find some helpful guidance in our searching by getting acquainted with and knowledgeable Of/About 
Native Cultures which our Modern-Civilizations have all but eliminated from the Crew of God's Astronomically-
Tiny Space-Ship-Earth.  Consider the following possible Native-American-Resources:

"Lacota Woman by Mary Crow Dog with Richard Erdoes with ISBN Number 0-06-097389-7 Paperback

"Indian Boyhood by Eastman

"The Wisdom of the Native Americans" by Kent Nerbur   New World Library  with  ISBN Number 1-57731-079-9

We need to search far and wide for the wisdom of original Native-Cultures all around Space-Ship-Earth.

It may be helpful for you to do a search on the World-Wide-Web for "Indiginous Cultures". On March27, 2010
such a search with yielded about 5,000,000 hits.  Searches with additional descriptive words 
might get you a more manageable set of hits relevant to your own interests.