KEYS **** It will be helpful in Workshops on Mitigating-Alienativve-Conflicts - - - for workshop-participants to be made aware that it will be possible for DIFFERENT-PARTICIPANTS to Feel-Lead-to-Discern Quite-Different-Reflexive-Implications - - - upon their reading of some particular essay within-the-different-contexts of their OWN-DIFFERENT-LIVES- AND-EXPERIENCES UNDERSTOOD-IN-WHOLISTIC-WAYS FROM THEIR OWN POINTS OF VIEW. The Overall-Long-Term-Reflexive-Implications of-each-text DO-NOT-RESIDE-ONLY IN-ITS-TEXT! The Reflexive-Implications-and-Meanings are NOT-OBJECTIVE-REALITIES WHICH TRANSCEND Mortal-Viewers! The Overall-Long-Term-Reflexive-Implications of-each-text DO-RESIDE WITHIN-THE-INTERACTIONS-AMONG: 1. The Text-which-HAS-BEEN-READ. 2. The Whole-Lives of the Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text, 3. The Previous Experiences-and-Discernments of Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text, 4. The Parallel-Contemporaneous Experiences-and-Discernments of Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text, 5. The Parallel-Contemporaneous Experiences-and-Discernments of Intimate-Others to Actual-Readers of the Essay=Text, 6. Other-Complementary Reliable-Texts as read thoughtfully by the Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text, 7. Other-Complementary Experiences of the Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text, 8. The Implications that the Actual-Readers of the Essay-Text can agree upon in Mutually-Satisfactory-Gracious-Ways. 9. Efforts by Domineering-Bullies to Control various aspects of each of the above processes - - - to their own Profit. The actual Over-All Long-Term Reflexive-Implications of The-Reflexive-Truths-Pointed-To by an Essay-Text DO-NOT reside only in the "Expert-Opinions" of "Any-Few-People"; no matter what their qualifications, powers and influences may be in the Short-Term and Provincially. The actual Over-All Long-Term Reflexive-Implications of The-Truths-Pointed-To by an Essay-Text DO reside in the Authenticity, Integrity, and Confirmed-Reliability of The-Reflexive-Truths-Pointed-To by the Essay-Text - - - even if those Reflexive-Truths ARE-NOT-WELL understood and appreciated By-ALL-People at the time the Essay-Text was written and initially read. Some early readers may have been trapped in trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self- Deception about the Reflexive-Truths-Pointed-To by the Essay-Text As-Written-by-people who were NOT-TRAPPED in any efforts to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception that pertained to the Essay-Text as written and initially read. During the late 1900's it was difficult for MANY-PEOPLE around the world to agree on the overall-long-term- Reflexive-Implications of texts which described the Then-Known probable-long-term-effects of the THEN-EXPONENTIALLY- GROWING Rates-of-Human-Consumption of Fossil-Fuels, Destructions-of-Forests, and Mono-Cropping of Agricultural-Land - - - even though well informed Scientific-Researchers were well on the way to generating wide-spread International- Consensuses within the various Scientific-Communities - - - that were NOT-DOMINATED by any Domineering-Bullies with "Special-Interests" that were threatened by the Actual-Truths-as-Well-Articulated in professional-presentations of the findings of unbiased-scientists. The Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception which some Influential-People were playing - - - delayed by decades - - - Prudent-Responses to the threats of the THEN-EXPONENTIALLY-GROWING Rates- of-Hanuman-Consumption of Fossil-Fuels, Destructions-of-Forests, and Mono-Cropping of Agricultural-Land. Those delays have GREATLY increased the threats to the SUSTAINABILITY of Human-Civilization within God's Astronomically- Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.