KEYS **** We will Eventually be Graciously-Together-Enjoying-True: Security, Shalom and Integrity - - - Only-to-the-Extent that we All-Help-Each-Other-Together: 1. To-Enjoy Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about how we can Help-Each-and-Every-Other member of the Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth; have their Most-Basic-and-Healthy-Needs Fulfilled- Adequately - - - in the Overall-Presence of Distributive-Justice Regularly-Affirmed. 2. Transcend-and-Let-Go-Of: The Ideals, Values, Principles, and Virtues - - - of the Life-Styles of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters. 3. Transcend-and-Let-Go-Of: Our Own Alienative-Conflicts through Cooperative Efforts to Mitigate the Many-Costs of: Alienations, Ignorance, Prejudices and Biases - - - which Generate and Sustain Alienative-Conflicts. 4. Transcend and Let-go-Of: Beliefs that we can Truly-Augment Our-Own-Security - - - at the expense of Other- People's-Security. 5. Transcend and Let-Go-Of: Beliefs that we can Truly-Augment Our-Own-Integrity - - - at the expense of Other- People's-Diverse-Integrities and On-Going Diverse-Integrative-Processes. 6. Transcend and Let-Go-Of: Beliefs that we can Truly-Augment Our-Own: Peace, Health and Shalom - - - at the Expense-of Other-People's: Peace, Health and Shalom. 7. Transcend and Let-Go-Of: Beliefs that we can With-Integrity Augment-Our-Own-Well-Being-and-Integrity - - - at the Expense of Anybody-Else's Well-Being-and-Integrity. 8. To Adopt and Affirm in Words-and-Deeds - - - Gracious-Moods of Being Appropriately and in Timely-Ways: a. Thankful, b. Mutually-Supportive as far as possible, c. Reverent in the Humble-and-Modest ways of LOVE, d. Mutually-Appreciative in Reciprocally-Balanced ways, e. Worthy-of-Trust - - - Through-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues, f. Worthy-of-Admiration - - - through Transparent-Diligence, g. Worthy-of-Praise - - - as Reliable-Integrators, h. Worthy-of-Respect-and-Honor in Shalom's-Sanctuaries of LOVE, i. Cheerful-and-Joyful - - - In the Authentic-Ways-of-Shalom, j. Patient in the Prudent-Ways-of-LOVE, k. Honest-in-Making-Affirmations - - - in Authentic-Integrative-Ways-of-Shalom, l. Tolerant of Uniquely-Different-Creative-Lovers and Mitigators of their Own-Alienative-Conflicts, m. Systemic-Supporters of Distributive-Justice for-All Members of the Crew of Space-Ship-Earth. n. Honest, Accurate and Long-Term-Reliable Describers of Authentic-Realities as Personally-Experienced.