KEYS **** In order to be able to help each other in Gracious-Efforts to Mitigate-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts; we need to help each other to discern the Full-Spectrum of Realities which Are-the-Fruits-Of and Augment- Alienative-Conflicts and Destructive-Feed-Back-Loops of Personal-and-Communal-Disintegrations. We need to Cooperate in Graciously-Mitigating Wherever-Possible each of the following ALIEANTIVE-REALITIES: Taking-Senseless-Risks Unbalanced-Power Excessive-Power-Concentrations Excessive-Weatlh-Concentrations Risky-Energy-Concentrations Instabilities Pretentious-Behaviors Alienative-Dichotomies Greed-Envy-and-Hoarding Polarizations Ignorance-and-Prejudices Biases-and-Provincialisms Violence-Coercion-and-Torture Cynicism Domination-Repression-Suppression Arrogant-Unilateral-Actions Egocentric-Perspectives Egocentric-Defenses Being-Guided-By-Blind-Fears Being-Guided-by-Blind-Anxieties We need to balance attention given to the RISKS-PRESENT in the above ALIENATIVE-REALITIES - - - with: 1. Being-Graciously-Together in Shalom's Many Diverse-Gracious-Ways of LOVE. 2. Being-Cooperatively-Colaboratively Involved in Many Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about our Most-Basic-Needs. 3. Systemic-Efforts to Ground, Facilitate and Encourage: Hospitality and Generosity in Integrative-Ways of LOVE. 4. Becoming Known as Thoroughly-Trust-Worthy-Persons in all of our Personal-Relationships. 5. Becoming Reliably-Informed in Well-Confirmed-Ways about how to Mitogate-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts. 6. Letting-Go-Of-Frantic-Response-Patterns to spend time in Meditation-about-Over-All-Perspectives. 7. Ways to Facilitate and Encourage Expressions-of: Appreciation and Being-Thankful and Giving-Thanks. 8. Overall Being-Net-Affirmative in Well-Informed-Positive Ways that will improve our situations.