KEYS **** True-Lovers who live in a Domineering-Community that is Dominated by the Playing-to-WIN-of-Collusive-Games of Mutual-Self-Deception - - - need to dis-entangle themselves from the many biases, prejudices and false- assumptions - - - that they "breath" every day with the air-that-they-breath. To the extent that such True-Lovers are able to dis-entangle-themselves - - - they become more-able to see- clearly and articulate-reflexive-insights In-Terms-of-Which to make yet more Reflexive-Progress - - - that is not based upon only "Objective-Confirmations" and "Numerical-Analyses" that are "Complicit-With" the Playing- to-WIN of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. Such Collusive-Dishonesty, as-such merits no respect! Numbers by themselves do not lie, but surly Colluders-DO-LIE by using numbers in Deceptive-Ways which involve: Secrecy, False-Impressions, False-Appearances, and Pretentions of Redemptive-Magic and Too-Good-to-Be-True High-Rates-of-Return on Very-Secure-Investments that are presumed to be "Invulnerable" to Economic-Storms-of-Dis-Trust! NO Liberation-from-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception is rooted in Objective-and/or-Numerical Analyses! Rather; such liberation is rooted in Shalom's-Sanctuaries where Vulnerable-People are Being-Together in Cooperative and Collaborative efforts - - - to Mitigate-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts as Graciously-as-is-Possible through: Meditations, Prayers, Systems-Analyses - - - both Objective-and-Reflexive, with Hospitality, Generosity, and Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about all the present: needs, challenges, threats, risks - - - Of the members of God's Crew of this Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth - - - which is Astronomically-Isolated within the Cosmic-Void, away-from all extra-terrestrial material resources, that are Most-Like those scarce resources that are Most-Coveted and rapidly being depleted, inside of Space-Ship-Earth - - - through Exponentially-Growing-Rates-of-Consumption - - - that are NOT-SUSTAINABLE for very long! They will end either thoughtfully-and-intentionally; or in Tragic-Forms-of-Ideological-Chaos and Alienative-Conflicts that are NOT-MITIGATED - - Thoughtfully-and-Intentionally. Shalom!