KEYS **** The Life-Styles-and-Instincts of Domineering-Bullies - - - lead them to match-and-exceed each other's Alienative-Threats - - - in their escalations of their Clinging-To Alienative-Conflicts-and-Possessions - - - Which at each step Augment-their-Instincts - - - by which they Gauge how Insecure-Threatened-and-Vulnerable they each are compared to each OTHER. The pride themselves on their abilities to Keep-Ahead-Of-Each-Other WITH-MORE of what is needed to Maintain-Endlessly-Exponential-Growth Ahead-of-Each-Other in their own Successful-Alienative-Conflicts with their own Superior: Doubts Suspicions Distrust Anxieties Fears Technocrats Terrors Paranoia Weapons Forts Fortresses Defenses Spies Secrets Alienations Security Coalitions Wealth Calculations Concentrations Powers Controls Speed Readiness Committments Technologies Invulnerability Intentions Plans -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In contrast to the Instinctive-Alienative Life-Styles of Domineering-Bullies: True-Lovers focus upon Regular-Daily-Practices to Match-and-Exceed Each-Others: Practices of Gracious-Conflict-Mitigations THROUGH: Courtesies Kindnesses Hospitality Generosity Sensitivity Empathy Sympathy Cooperation Colaboration Reflexivity Systems Analyses Thoughtfulness Mediating Prayer Diplomacy Forgiveness Reconciliation Healing Patience Tolerance Appreciation Thanks Giving Always being willing to Match-Each-Other's-Willingness to be Prudently and Wisely Vulnerable within Increasingly-Intimate Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about How-Most-Helpfully to Cooperate-and-Collaborate in Helping-Each-Other to Assure that All-Members of the Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny and Isolated Space-Ship-Earth Will-Have their Most-Basic-and-Healthy-Needs Adequately-Met - - - through Gracious- Systemic-Distributive-Justice on behalf of each Whole-Healthy-Community in LOVE - - - Matching each other's move -> -> -> toward being willing-together - - - to be Intimately-Vulnerable in LOVE.