KEYS **** Humans as individuals and as communities communicate what they learn to following generations imperfectly - - - as incarnations and as intentionally-communicated-messages in various kinds of kind-and-unkind languages - - - in: words, deeds, moods, attitudes, habits, assumptions, taboos, rejections, fears, anxieties, collusive-games-of-mutual-self-deception, myths, parables, metaphors, similes, stories, music, songs, dance, etc. I. Domineering-Bullies-and-Mobbing-Mobsters communicate How-to-Fail - - - by their examples of incoherence - - - in their: 1. Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - which no one can win. 2. Addictions, 3. Codependent-Support-Networks, 4. Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes, 5. Myths Affirming-Redemptive- Violence, Coercion, Technocracies, Taboos, Demands, Excommunications Shunnings, Prisons, Fortresses, Technocrats, Torture, Nuclear-Bombs Mutually-Assured-Destruction = "MAD" - - If Leaders-Disagree-IN-ALIENATIVE-WAYS! For more DETAILS, DO-A-GLOBAL-SEARCH of the World-Wide-Web for "Mutually Assured Destruction" = "MAD" A tragic game played by Bullies to WIN "Collusive-Games" of "Mutual-Self-Deception" = "MSD" This is a TRAGIC-INSANE-GAME which is NOW BEING PLAYED IN EARNEST! The only HEALTHY way to stop the game is to Cooperate in Mitigating-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts! II. True-Lovers and Mitigators-Of-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Communicate how to be Mutually-Sustainable - - - Coherent-Communities and Person - - - By Being-Together in Shalom's Many-Gracious-Ways - - - Assuring That each Crew-Member of God's Astronomically-Tiny and Materially-Isolated - - - Space-Ship-Earth - - - Will have their Most-Healthy-Basic-Needs Fulfilled - - - Through Systemic-Distributive-Justice. Rather than through Incoherent-Destructive-Disintegrative: Greed Hoarding Getting Keeping Capitalism Domination Violence Pretensions Dishonesty Mobbing Colonialism Arrogance Hubris Posturing Polarizations Dichotomies Contentions Preaching Evangelism Missions Crusades Wars Fighting Unilateralisms Attacks Terrorism Wealth-Concentrations Coveting Shunning Banishments Genocides Bombings Power-concentrations