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                                The Most-Difficult-Realities to: 

                                (1) Share,      -> (2) Control,           -> (3) Manage.

Come-in-Triples-Related to:     (1) Egocentric, -> (2) Mutual,            -> (3) Others.

                                (1) Realities,  -> (2) Relations,         -> (3) Realms. 


    (1) Vulnerabilities,        (1) Financials,    (1) Influence,            (1) Money,
    (2) Intimacies,             (2) Goods,         (2) Powers,               (2) Investmentns,
    (3) Securities.             (3) Wealth.        (3) Access.               (3) Economics.

    (1) Safety,                 (1) Defenses,      (1) Sexuality,            (1) Affection,
    (2) Risks,                  (2) Protection,    (2) Spirit,               (2) Empathy,
    (3) Costs.                  (3) Fortresses     (3) Sensitivity.          (3) Sympathy.
    (1) Welcomes,               (1) Objects,       (1) Responsibility,       (1) Moods,
    (2) Attacks,                (2) Subjects,      (2) Duties,               (2) Inclinations,
    (3) Wars/Terrors.           (3) Reflexivity.   (3) Covenants.            (3) Responsivity.

    (1) Visions,                (1) Sharing,       (1) Generosity            (1) Limits,
    (2) Dreams,                 (2) Giving,        (2) Balance/Mutuality     (2) Limitations,
    (3) Fantasies.              (3) Hospitality.   (3) Reciprocity.          (3) Sustainability.

    Triplets-Interact!                  Complexities-Interact!               Realities-Interact!

    We cannot Mitigate Our-Own  Alienative-Conflicts   while   WINNING-OUR-COLLUSIVE-GAMES-OF-MSD.

    "MSD" ===>  Mutual-Self-Deception and Mutual-Self-Destruction as in Our-Nuclear-Security via  "MSD"
    which is guaranteed by Unbalanced-Hydrogen-Bombs Instantly-Ready-to-Destroy ALL Civility/Civilization - - -
    In the Long-Accepted Militarists' Policy of "Guaranteed Mutual-Self-Destruction" if we Ultimately-Disagree!

    GMSD" => "Guaranteed Mutual-Self-Destruction" as in "CMSD" => "Collusive Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception!"
    We cannot Mitigate OUR-Own  Alienative-Conflicts   while   Demonstrating Domineering-Bullies' Ideals!

You can explore ideas about the above kinds of Alienative-Conflicts at Wikipedia or by doing your own global search on
words such as "Guaranteed Mutual Self Destruction". Needless to say there are many conflicting views, many of
which are not very helpful!