How can we "Love our Neighbor as our self" when we need MORE in order to-be-secure? Where did we learn that? Why do we need MORE in order to-be-secure - - - when the "people-who-have-the-most" are LEAST- SECURE? What is the evidence? What is the logic? What were the beginning assumptions used to get to the incoherent conclusion? How can we understand the "psychology-of-poverty" - - - where "poverty" is having far more than other vulnerable people have control over? Why do the richest people get-richer-faster than those who people who have Just-Enough and feel quite secure in having Just-Enough to meet all of their healthy-needs? Why are the "richest" people less-secure and more-fearful - - - than many people who have Just-Enough to meet all of the healthy-needs? What must we have - - - to be free to enjoy being-together in Shalom Mitigating-Our-Own Alienative- Conflicts in LOVE as Neighbors engaged in many forms of Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about what are our most-basic-healthy-needs in SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLES within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth?How must WE-CHANGE OUR-SELVES to be able to live SUSTAINABLE-LIFE-STYLES within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and -Isolated Space-Ship-Earth? Where shall WE begin to become Truly-Secure? What shall WE change first? WHO shall WE change first? By what means? How shall WE begin to change? What COHERENT-AFFIRMATIONS shall WE offer in Coherent-Words-and-Behaviors? WHO should benefit from OUR-EFFORTS? By what means? WHO should pay for THE-COSTS OF OUR-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS? By what means? WHO should pay for THE-COSTS OF OUR-NON-SUSTAINABLE-EFFORTS? By what means? WHO and/or WHAT will be the ULTIMATE-AUTHORITY THAT WILL ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? What roles will Actual-Facts about Limited-Resources in Space-Ship-Earth-Play? What roels will Actual-Facts about The-Material-Isolation of Planet-Earth-Play? What roles will Accurately-Described Unchangable-Reliable-Natural-Proceses Play? What roles will WINNERS of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - - Play? What roles will WINNERS of Contests to Concentrate Wealth-and-Poers - - - - Play? What roles will True-Lovers and Mitigators of Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts Play? SHALOM