When we are working on helpful-colaborative efforts to Mitigate-OUR-OWN-Alienative-Conflicts - - - we are likely to undermine such helpful colaborative efforts Each-Time that we: Offer Casusal-Opinions about how Other-People's Alienative-Conflicts Should-Be-Resolved-By-OUSIDERS. The Damage that we do to our own ability to engage in colaborative efforts to Mitigate-Our-Own-Alienative Conflicts - - - is Augmented-to-the-Extent that: Our-Recommendations Tragically-Ignore the: 1. Healthy-Needs and Desires of people who are TRAGICALLY-INVOLVED in-any-ways in the Alienative- Conflicts - - - about which we offer Casual-Opinions. 2. Perspectives and points of view of people who are TRAGICALLY-INVOLVED as-above - - - 3. Opinions of people who are TRAGICALLY-INVOLVED as-above - - - 4. Histories of people who are TRAGICALLY-INVOLVED as-above - - - 5. Powers of people who are TRAGICALLY-INVOLVED as above - - - 6. Moods and Attitudes of people who are TRATICALLY-INVOLVED as above - - -