What are True-Lovers' Required-To-Do To-Be-Certified AS SUCH? True-Lovers' Reflexive-Essential-Realities which pertain to their Best as regards: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moods Spirits Attitudes Approaches Visions Manners Modes Style Hopes Courage Essence Nature Soul Heart Authenticity Calling Vocation Tenacity Grounding Dreams Presence Influence Being Health Integrity Composure Confidence Influence Honor Intent Hopes Destiny ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANNOT BE HELPFULLY: Prescribed Specified Commanded Required Legislated Controlled Mandated Managed Administered Manufactured Imposed Dictated Demanded Engineered Inserted Injected ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BY ANY EXTERNAL SUPERIOR: Force Power Technology Agent Governor Administrator Commander Emperor King Queen Bullies Mobsters Gangs Coalition Tribes or Superior Religion Preachers Politicians Economists Legislators Judges Police or gods. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is virtually-never healthy/advisable for one person or group of persons to Unilaterally-and-Alienatively Force-Coerce another person or group of persons - - - to do anything in the absence of Mutual-Agreement and Appreciation - - - throughout the Mutually-Agreed-Upon-and-Assented-to Cooperative/Collaborative activity. The above limitations pertain to almost all kinds of activities - - - with very rare exceptions - - - about which each community needs to formulate its own broadly based consensuses as regards: 1. Being with each other in close physical and/or communication presence - - - in clusters of two or more people with-or-without-physical, affectionate and/or sexual interactions of any kind. 2. Being-Intimate in various ways in public and/or in private/isolated ways. 3. Being engaged in open-and-honest dialogue about mutually agreed upon: realities, relationships, issues, alienative-conflicts, territories, possessions, activities, traditions, assumptions, beliefs, moods, desires, fears, vulnerabilities, risks, costs, wants, etc. 4. How the above observations pertain to all modes of: communication, sharing, giving, getting, intimacy, and interactions - - - physical, symbolic, formal, informal, intentional, unintentional, accidental, overt, covert, implicit, explicitly, etc. 5. How the Life-Styles of Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters and Concentrators of Wealth, Power and Influence- - - with their affirmed-and-demonstrated Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc. - - - are in Alienative-Conflicts with the Essential-Foundations of Personal and Communal Integrity of True-Lovers who are Graciously-Together in the Many-Integrative-Ways-of-Shalom. 6. How Personal-and-Communal Health-and-Integrity are possible only to the extent that human-relationships and Alienative-Conflict-Mitigations are managed through Open-and-Honest Dialogues; Among-the-Participants and the Significantly-Affected-Persons within their communities - - - with exceptions being limited to clear cut cases of Domineering-Bullies creating and augmenting Alienative-Conflicts-with: Poor, Weak, Sick, Homeless, Hungry, Powerless and/or otherwise vulnerable people whose rights are violated. 7. How it is dangerous to be Legalistic and/or Technocratic - - - in trying to come to the consensuses that need to evolve.