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The Healthy-Foci Suggested below on the RIGHT - - - will be useful for us to consider as we seek to identify 
ways to help each other to Mitigate-Unhealthy-Aspects-of our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Over-Realities 
that are listed below on the LEFT.   (Thanks to Roget's International Thesaurus, 4th Edition!)

 1. Animosity                          2. Hospitality
 3. Egocentrism                        4. Empathy
 5. Pessimism                          6. Hope
 7. Suspicion                          8. Trust-Reverence
 9. Cynicism                          10. Optimism
11. Distrust                          12. Cooperation
13. Hopelessness                      14. Hopefulness
15. Attacking                         16. Welcoming
17. Contentiousness                   18. Colaboration
19. Greed                             20. Generosity
21. Defensive                         22. Affectionate
23. Invulnerability                   24. Vulnerability
25. Unilateral                        26. Mult-Lateral
27. Hoarding                          28. Sharing
29. Concentrating                     30. Distributing
31. Indifference                      32. Sympathy
33. Insensitive                       34. Sensitive
35. Banishing                         36. Listening
37. Excommunicating                   38. Reconciling
39. Anxiety                           40. Equanimity
41. Extremism                         42. Balance
43. Terrorism                         44. Shalom
45. Depression                        46. Cheerful
47. Grumpy                            48. Friendly
49. Fearful                           50. Confident
51. Anxious                           52. Courageous

Focusing upon making gradual transitions from being-dominated by realities listed above on the LEFT,
to intentionally focusing our attentions upon integrative-realities on the RIGHT above - - - can be
one of the most effective ways to lay down foundations for helping each other to Work-Cooperatively
on Mitigating Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts.

Trying to settle our Own-Alienative-Conflicts (or other People's-Conflicts) in any direct way - - -
is less likely to be helpful!


It is difficult to make gracious transitions within communities that are being Dominated by 
Domineering-Bullies - - - who are Playing-To-WIN-Collusive-GAMES-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - -

 1. Security-Through: Invulnerability, Pretentions, Secrecy, Deception, Avoiding-Intimacies, 
    Concentrations-of: Wealth, Power, Sexuality, Desires, Pleasures, Risks, Needs, etc.

 2. Incoherence in and the Lack-of-Integrity in Life-Styles and Technologies.

 3. Failures to fulfill: Ieals, Values, Principles, Goals, Promises, Hopes, Intentions, etc.

 4. The Lack-of-Coherence in Coalitions and in what members of Coalitions Believe-and-Trust.

What are the keys-to-making-transitions within communal contexts that grant a sense of
security - - - that we will be safer-together- - - while-making-the-transition - - - than in
trying to prevent change in a changing-environment?

We all need visions-of-increasing-our-security By-Being-Together in Shalom's-Many-Gracious-Ways
- - - Rather than in Clinging-Onto-Traditional-Alienative-Conflicts - - - where people Cannot-
Be-Honest about Consequences.


Of course - - - By Pretending that We-are-Not-Complicit in any such Futile-Games!