Keys **** Domineering-Bullies work Most-Profitably with what they can Unilaterally-Manipulate, Control, Use and Abuse - - - as Technical-Tools with which to Control-Other-People's-Lives; e.g., with Commandments, Laws, Duties, Demands, etc. True-Lovers Guide-Their-Own-Lives in terms of Coherent-Clusters of Mutually-Supportive-and-Balanced: Ideals, Values, Principles, and Virtues - - - which help them-all-together in Shalom to Cooperate/Collaborate/Communicate and Be-Graciously-Together-in-Shalom's Many-Integrative-Ways-of-LOVE; intimately aware of each other's most healthy and basic true needs in Mutually Supportive, Generous and Hospitable Ways. The Alienative-Techniques of Domineering-Bullies - - - often initiate-and-augment - - - Alienative-Interactions-and- Relationships which involve: Coercion, Violence, Resentment, Rebellions, Exclusivity, Prejudices, Ignorance, etc. Excommunications offer no solutions or means of reconciliation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Being-Graciously-Cooperative within Shalom's Many-Diverse-Gracious-Ways-of-LOVE Involves Participant-True-Lovers in Mutually-Supportive Collaborative-Efforts - - - to Mitigate-their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts over Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Hopes and Aspirations. They help each other to become well informed about, sensitive-to, empathetic-with, and sympathetic-toward each other's most healthy-basic-true: needs, fears, risks, terrors, visions, hopes, aspirations, vulnerabilities, and disabilities - - - Within-Safe-Sanctuaries-for-All. The Gracious-Intimate-Relationships which are Essential-to-the-Well-Integrative-Lives of True-Lovers: Are-TABOO to Domineering-Bullies as Threats-to-Their-Freedoms to Affirm-and-Demonstrate their Life-Styles and all that they stand for: Good-Concentrations-of-Great-Powers, Good-Concentrations-of-Great-Wealth, Rule-by-Superior People-of-God, Redemptive-Violence, Redemptive-Coercion, Redemptive-Profitable-Wars focused on Evil-People and Evil-Terrorists, Economic-Exponential-Growth, and Exponential-Growths in Standards-of-Living-for-All GOOD-PEOPLE within God's Astronomically-Tiny-AND-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. Accurate-and-Clear Descriptions of these troubling-realities which are Essential to the Sustainable-Lives of True- Lovers - - - Obscure and/or are very distressing to Domineering-Bullies who are trapped within the Dis-Eased Life- Styles of: Alienative-Conflicts Violent-Destruction Conflicted-Relationships Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception Exponential-Growths Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes Resource-Depletions/Exhaustions Power-Concentrations Wealth-Concentrations Poverty-Augmentations Destructions-of-True-Democracies Augmented-Colonialism Supported-Dictatorships Building-Empires Disintegrating-Civility/Civilizations Unrestrained-Profits Unregulated-Economics Alienative-Economic-Systems Indifference to Distributive-Injustices Honored-Mobbing-Mobsters/Domineering-Bullies Honored-Winners-of-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception-for-ALL. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the extent that Honored-Leaders in the above kinds of activities are In-Control of the Generally-Accepted- Standards for Acceptable-Behavior and Inclusion-in-the-Enjoyment of the Benefits-of-Civility-Work-and-Creativity --- To-that-Extent the foundations of Sustainable-Civilizations are UNDERMINED - - - because LEADING Domineering- Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters are DUTY-BOUND TO: 1. Support the Concentration of Powers and Wealth without Any-Restraint - - - because On-Principle they do NOT affirm any Integrative-Processes or any Present-Integrities/Ideals; which are Authentic, Open, Honest or Inclusive of: Widows, Orphans, New-Borns, Children, Adolescents, Sick-People, Injured-People, Alienated-People or elderly people unable to earn a living and/or without other means of getting their most healthy and basic needs met. 2. Undermine Open-and-Honest-Dialogues among True-Lovers within Integrative-Sanctuary-Communities - - - That are Dangerously-Available to Terrorists who are intent upon undermining the good orders of the Military-Industrial- Congressional-Profitable Complexes. 3. Undermine Credibility/Honors of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters, their Life-Styles, and their: Ideals, Values, Principles, "Virtues", Ideologies, Perspectives and Goals. 4. Keep Economic-Growth expanding at Exponential-Rates which are NOT-SUSTAINABLE within God's Astronomically-Tiny and Astronomically-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth - - - no matter what the CHAOTIC-CONSEQUENCES MAY TURN OUT TO BE! 5. Suppressing Honest-Communications about the above realities By-All-Means-Possible - - - in spite of constitutionally guaranteed: communication, meeting and petition-rights. Concentrated Wealth-and-Powers must be maintained by those who have It-ALL. They had the right to GET-IT. Now they have the right to KEEP-IT!