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Domineering-Religious-Leaders have Conjured-Up  Misleading-Descriptions of Terribly-Alienative-Punishments 
that they have said that God-Will-Inflict upon "Sinners-who-do-not-Conform" to the Commandments-Delivered
by the Domineering-Bullies - - - who have been serving as Religious-Leaders.  Such alleged "Terrible-
Alienative-Punishments" have NOT been Accurate-Descriptions of any Natural-Consequences of any Actual-
Behaviors of Real-People who have engaged in Naturally-Dangerous-Behaviors - - - that have generated 
Naturally-Disintegrative-Consequences - - - that Well-Informed-and-Thoughtful Prudent-People would 
Naturally want to avoid - - - in light of the Naturally-Disintegrative-Consequences.

Rather, Religious-Leaders have often been Domineering-Bullies engaged in Alienative-Behaviors that were
designed to Terrorize Faithful-Followers into Submission-and-Conformity as regards Unilateral-Injunctions
about HEALTHY:

 1. Mutually-Agreeable-Intimate-Personal-Friendships-and-Relationships,
 2. Mutually-Agreeable-Romances and Sexual-Interactions/Integrations,
 3. Mutually-Agreeable-Open-and-Honest Integrative-Dialogues,
 4. Unauthorized-Mutually-Agreeable-Friendships-and-Assemblies,
 5. Speaking-of-Truths about Excessively-Concentrated-Wealth-and-Powers,
 6. Speaking-of-Truths about Dishonest-Leaders and Distributive-Injustices,
 7. Speaking-of-Truths about Corruption-Generated by Concentrations of Wealth-and-Powers,
 8. Speaking-of-Truths about People-WINNING  Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception for Egocentric-Reasons.
 9. Speaking-of-Truths about Descriptions which Cannot-be-Proven to be either True-or-False.
10. Speaking-0f-Truths about Descriptions which have Only-the-Pretense of being Meaningful-and/or-Significant.


Religious-Leaders will become more helpful when they Graciously offer: Open, Honest and Accurate Descriptions
of Reflexive-Inhumane-Relationships that have involved predictably Tragic-Outcomes that reliably flow from
Simplistic-Idealists;  who Refuse-to-Become-Involved in the Mitigations-of-Their-Own-Alienative Patterns of:

Conflicts    Dishonesty   Inaccuracies   Predations       Wealth-Concentrations   Power-Concentrations 

Banishments  Shunnings    Rejections     Invulnerability  Unilateral-Actions      Excommunications  

Violence     Coercion     Punishments    Constraints      Being-In-Control        Inhibitions-of-Creativity

Greed        Contentions  Exclusivity    Arrogance        Insensitivity           Banishments

Egocentric-Thinking-and-Behaviors        Trying-to-WIN-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception


Many Religious-Leaders need to acknowledge their need to be willing to learn how to participate graciously
in Helping-Each-Other to Collaborate/Cooperate in Mitigating-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts within Shalom.

Such skills cannot be developed while still coveting the Egocentric-Advantages of the Life-Styles, Ideals,
Values, Principles, and "Virtues" of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters engaged in their Alienative-