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What MUST we do? - - - - To Helpfully, Graciously and Effectively Work-Cooperatively in Mitigating
Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts between True-Lovers and Domineering-Bullies - - - within the Whole-
Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth?

We MUST often engage in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about - - - the Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues
and Intimately-Related other-Realities - - - that ARE The-Essential-Foundations of the Core-Procedures
in Mitigating-Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts.  Such Essential-Foundations include realities such as:

Humility    Empathy     Sympathy         Kindness    Generosity     Hospitality    Trust     Tolerance

Listening   Patience    Reconciliation   Love        Intimacies     Neighborliness Giving    Meekness

Cooperation Colaboration Balance         Mutuality   Listening      Confirmations  Trust     Honesty

Central in ALL Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts are the Conflicts between the above Realities-of-True-
Lovers - - - and the following CONTRASTING Realities-of-Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-Mobsters,
Thieves, Extortionists, Rapists, Colonialist, Terrorists, Murderers, White-Color-Criminals, AT-LARGE
and Within Our-Own-Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes - - - which Military-Leader and
President Dwight Eisenhower warned about - - - By-Implication/Complicity  - - - in his Farewell-Address:

Defenses    Fortresses     Walls        Invulnerability    Unilateral-Actions       Superior-Attacks

Secrecy     Pretentions    Dichotomies  Polarizations      Contentiousness          Negations

Blockages   Objections     Arrogance    Superior-Powers    Superior-Forces          Superior-Technologies

Self-Confidence            Willingness-to-Kill             Willingness-to-Alienate  Willingness-to-Injure

Willingness-to-Sicken      Self-Righteousness              Avoiding-Dialogue        Avoiding-Intimacy


We cannot Mitigate-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts and all of the Costs-of-their-Destructive-Actions - - -

In the ABSENCE of many Extended-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues  that involve Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing
Mobsters who are seeking to Reconcile-their-Respective-Conflicting ISOLATED:

Ideals    Values    Principles    Virtues    Hopes    Aspirations    Expectations    Assumptions

                                  AND HOPING TO AGREE UPON
                            COHERENT-CLUSTERS OF Mutually-COMPLEMENTARY

Ideals    Values    Principles    Virtues    Hopes    Aspirations    Expectations    Assumptions

                                  That Play-Central-Roles Within
                            The Many-Gracious-Ways of Shalom-in-LOVE.