Humans are different from each other in many unexpected ways - - - which may play roles in human: mis-under-standings, confusions, contentions, conflicts, etc. 1. How people have internalized, articulated, combined, explained, mixed-up, etc. - - - Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc. 2. What mistakes, tragedies, catastrophes, injuries, diseases, misunderstandings, hopes, disappointments, etc. - - - they have experienced and attempted to understand and explain - - - in different ways that may be "in conflict". 3. The degrees to which they have done the above in ways that are: coherent, authentic, honest, well, integrated, etc. - - - or fail to do so. 4. The degrees to which people have enjoyed being-together in the many Gracious Ways of Shalom - - - in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE'S most-basic- and-healthy-true: needs, desires, pleasures, wants, experiences and communications. 5. The degrees to which they have learned and understand How-to-Cooperate in Mitigating Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - which flow from the many ways in which they are different from other persons - - - while seeming to be alike in superficial ways; yet are amazingly different in ways that many people cannot imagine could exist. Even the basic differences between Domineering-Bullies and True-Lovers are often not evident. They can all be: Committed, Loyal, Sincere, Self-Sacrificial, Tenacious, Hard- Working - - - even if in different ways. Domineering Bullies are rarely able, willing or ready To-Be: 1. Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogue. 2. Authentically-Intimate, in Shalom's Integrative-Ways. 3. Coherently-Sympathetic and Empathetic in Truly-Sensitive-Ways. 4. Authentic-Sexual-Beings-In-LOVE. 5. Charitable, Generous and Hospitable. 6. Balanced and Well-Integrated-Mortals. 7. Honest about their Actual-Limits-and-Limitations. 8. Free of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception. 9. Honest about God's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth. 10. Well-Integrated Members of the Whole-Crew of Space-Ship-Earth - - - Isolated-In-Space. 11. Coherently-Eliciting Trust - - - from Diverse-People of Many-Kinds. 12. Tolerant with Diverse People-in-Love. True-Lovers are able, willing and ready to be present within the above ways with diverse other people - - - Affirming in Words-and-Behaviors - - - Many-Coherent-Clusters of integrative:
Ideals, Values, Principles and Virtues - - - which sustain both Communal-and-Personal forms of Integration-Processes and Present-Integrities - - - In Shalom's Reconciling-Ways-of-LOVE - - - Mitigating-the-Losses due to: Alienative-Conflicts, Alienations, Confusions, Biases, Ignorance, Prejudices, Segregations, Entropy and Resource-Consumptions Growing in Exponential-Ways that are UNSUSTAINABLE within God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.