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In great contrast to the situation described in the previous essay:

We can Truly-Say that True-Lovers Engage in Mutually-Satisfying and Graciously-Disciplined
Intimacy - - -

Which is SUSTAINABLE in ROBUST Mutually-Satisfying-Ways of Relaxed-Intimacies In-the-Absence
of Violence-and-Bullying - - - While Practicing-The-Presence-of-Shalom's-Pilgrims who are
Intimately-Safely-Vulnerable - - - Without-Superiority-or-Inferiority in LOVE's Enduring-
Gracious-Hospitality - - - free of Exclusivity-Domination-Coercion-Violence-and-Controls.


The Above-Combinations of Gracious-Realities - - - Make-NO-Sense to Domineering-Bullies and
Mobbing-Mobsters while they are Clinging to their Cherished Alienative-Conflicts among their:

         Disintegrative-Technologies,              Tragically-Alienative-Life-Styles, 

         Simplistic-Ideologies,                    Redemptive-Violence,
         Redemptive-Coercion,                      Redemptive-Controls,

         Redemptive-Conformity,                    And-So Dominated by Fears-and-Anxieties.