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Within the Paridigm-and-Life-Styles of Truly-Committed Domineering-Bullies 
Within Alienative-Conflicts - - -

It is TABOO and Impossible to:

Tolerate, Leave-Alone, Respect, Honor, or Support ANYBODY WHO - - - Does NOT TRUST THEM!


Within the Paradigm-and-Life-Styles of Truly-Committed True-Lovers 
Within Efforts to Mitigate-Alienative-Conflicts - - -

It is TRAGICALLY-EVIDENT that it is Impossible for Domineering-Bullies To-Live-Sustainably!

It is TRAGICALLY-EVIDENT that it is Dangerous for True-Lovers to be Indifferent-About and to
Ignore the UNSUSTAINABILE Life-Styles, Ideals, Hopes, Aspirations, and Expectations of the
Members of the Crew of Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth who are PRETENDING:

1. That Space-Ship-Earth has Limitless Material-Resources that will last eternally no matter what!

2. That Exponential-Growths can continue Eternally in Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.

3. Superior/Inferior and Wealthy/Poor people can-live-together-here SUSTAINABLY-for-eternity.

4. That we can WIN our Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception while others are losing the Games.

5. That We-Can-Call-In a Resupply-Ship to Re-Stock Space-Ship-Earth with Coveted-Material-Resources.

6. That Space-Ship-Earth is NOT Astronomically-Tiny.

7. That Space-Ship-Earth is NOT Essentially-Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial-Material-Resources 
   That are Most-Like the Most-Coveted-Material-Resources that are Most-Coveted here in Space-Ship-Earth.

8. The Endless-Exponential-Growths in the following can be SUSTAINED within Tiny-Space=Ship-Earth:

   a. Human Populations.
   b. Percapital Rates of Consumption of Material-Resources.
   c. Alienative-Conflicts.
   d. Alienative-Ideologies, Ideals, and Goals.
   e. Trust in Mutually-Assured-Distruction.
   f. Trust in Alienative-Technologies.
   g. Trust in Alienative-Technocrats/Experts.
   h. Trust in Alienative-Religious-Leaders.
   i. Trust in Alienative-Military-Leaders.
   j. Trust in Alienative-Political-Leaders.
   k. Trust in Alienative-Corporation-Leaders.
   l. Trust in Alienative-Scientific-Leaders.
   m. Trust in Alienative-Rebellion-Leaders.
   n. Trust in Alienative-Concentrations of Wealth and/or Powers.

To-be-SUSTAINABLE  Inter-Dependent-People   MUST   Mitigate-Their-Own Alienative-Conflicts!

The Crew-Members of God's Astronomicaly-Tiny-Isolated  Space-Ship-Earth  are  Inter-Dependent!

We need to Be-Aware and Beware of trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Decpeiton!