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To-Mitigate Alienative-Conflicts betweenOur-Own-Healthy-True-Lovers and 
Our-Own-Alienated-Domineering-Bullies - - - we all need to Cooperate  in 
Facilitating Open-and-Honest-Dialogues - - - about our common-needs, interests and ideals.

We cannot Mitigate-our-Traditional-Alienative-Conflicts apart from being Open-and-Honest about
what we share in common as regards: Needs, Ideals, Hopes, Aspirations, Trust, Stability, etc.

If we cannot agree on What-we-need To-Behave in Sustainable-Ways; we cannot Sustain-our-Behaviors!

We-All-Need to behave in Sustainable-Ways within God's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth.

There is no other way to survive - - - as there is no other near-by livable-place to move to!

So, We-All-Need to Agree on Gracious-Procedures-of-Shalm through which to Mitigate-our-Own
Alienative-Conflicts by shifting out of Non-Sustainable-Life-Styles and Non-Sustainable-Ideals.

This needs to be done by all members of the Crew of Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth;
because it is the only Territory in which we can Survive-Sustainably!  It is time to wake up!