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In Trying-Times what are the realities that we have traditionally Most-Coveted and Most-Tenaciously
Clung-To - - - that we can with the Most-Integrity Let-Go-Of - - - even if we have Worshipped and
Idolized them in the past?   Consider the following suggestions:

 1. Those that reliably generate Alienative-Conflicts and Patterns-of-Alienation?

 2. Presumed-Final-Destinations and Places-of-Eternal-Repose with Eternal-Rights-and-Privileges?

 3. Unilateral-Victories and Advantages for Ourselves-Alone and In-Control?

 4. Technologies which are Violent and Alienative when they are successfully used?

 5. Patterns of enduring Domination over people who are poorer and more vulnerable?

 6. Means to getting our wants, desires and needs met, when our neighbors are suffering greatly.

 7. Hierarchies of Sustained Concentrated-Powers-Wealth-and-Controls?

 8. Hierarchies of Sustained Respect, Honor and Trust?

 9. Technologies which Successfully protect our Invulnerability; with Alienation-Reliably-Present?

10. Defensive-Postures in Personally-Superior-Positions of Domination-and-Control?

11. Continuing to WIN in Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception about Unpleasant Truths/Realities?

12. Maintaining Non-Sustainable-Life-Styles to the Chaotic-Bitter-End for ALL-OF-US?

Where shall we place our Greatest-Trust, Honor and Reverence during our Mortal-Journeys in God's
Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-Earth?


The above is somewhat like the challenge humans faced in figuring out how to navigate across the
surface of Space-Ship-Earth'-Oceans.  Most humans believed that the world-was-flat and infinite
in the extent of the flat-surface.   In principle anybody could go an infinite distance East,
West, North and South.  Some people questioned those beliefs, but they were viewed as CRAZY FOOLS.

Likewise, today there are some CRAZY-FOOLS who DO-NOT-BELIEVE it is safe to believe that we can 
Endlessly-WIN-and-SUSTAIN OUR Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception which affirm THAT:

 1. Mortals will never run out of Essential-Fuels-and-Minerals, they will last eternally.

 2. Mortals will always be able to Resolve-Dilemma with Technologies - - - eternally.

 3. The Essence-of-Success will always Lie-in-Dishonest-Domination-and-Controls - - - eternally.

 4. We can guarantee our Children-and-Grand-Children Lives-of-Luxuries - - - for eternity.

 5. Our Worst-Enemies are Not-At-All-Like-US;  Very-Different-from-US - - - in very fundamental ways.

 6. If-we-can-imagine-some-form-of-success; Technocrats can DO-IT-FOR-US - - - in every case.

 7. Space-Ship-Earth is so big that Mortals CAN NEVER SPOIL its livability - - - at any time, ever.

 8. Improved-Technologies will bring all Materials we need to Space-Ship-Earth - - - eternally.

 9. Improved-Technologies will make possible Inter-Stellar-Travel by Mortals - - - eternally.

10. There is no problem that we face which cannot be solved by Technocrats - - - ever.

11. The forms of alienation generated by Technocrats, are not a problem for US - - - ever.

12. If the Descriptive Laws-of-Physics get in our way, it is up to US to change them - - - as needed.

13. If Mathematical-Considerations get in our way, it is up to US to change them - - - as needed.

14. Superior Wealth-and-Power can Defeat every enemy that may ever get in our way - - - when desired.

15. The most Wealthy-and-Powerful get to define what is Right-and-SUSTAINABLE - - - every time.

16. The Laws-of-Economics are superior to all other forms of Laws, IMMUTABLE - - - eternally.

In the case of navigating over the surfaces of Planet-Earth humans HAD TO LET-GO-OF their images
of Earth-as-Having an INFINITE-FLAT-SURFACE; and start to recognize God's Astronomically-Tiny
Space-Ship-Earth as Essentially-Isolated - - - as regard ALL Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources 
which are most like the most-coveted Material-Resources in Space-Ship-Earth.  Inter-Stellar Space
Travel is utterly out of Mortals' reach, and Net-Gain via inter-planetary   Massive-Material-
Resource-Transport is utterly out of Mortal's reach.  Winning Collusive Games-of-Mutual-Self-
Deception in these regards will lead to utter chaos!  Ignorance, prejudices, biases and provincial-
ism are no help! There are no Superior-Political-Opinions about-such-matters; that are 
founded on: ignorance, prejudices, biases, provincialism, "Special-Interests", "Personal-
Superiority" or Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception!

Humans learned to navigate with confidence over the surface of Earth only when they became well 
informed that  EARTH is ball about 8,000 miles in diameter, and the sun is about 100 times-bigger 
in diameter than our Earth.  Earth is 100 DIAMETERS-OF-THE-SUN, away-from-the-sun. EARTH goes 
around which sun once a year.  In a scale model of the Sun, Earth and planets;  where the sun-
to-earth-distance is one inch;   the nearest star would be 4.3 miles from the sun, inside 
of the museum holding the scale model.  The Milky Way Galaxy, which includes all naked-eye visible 
stars would be about 200,000 miles in diameter - - - inside the museum holding the scale model. 
God's Space-Ship-Earth in that model would be a  speck 0.000,100 inches in diameter! The space 
between visible objects - - - appears to be virtually empty, but is full of deadly cosmic-rays  
that will kill mortals attempting trips of any significant distance to any planets, moons or 
asteroids  farther away than our moon, which in the scale model would be about 0.003 inches from 
Earth, about the  thickness of a human hair! Much of this information can be found in most any 
modern astronomy text book. It is not secret information.

Human civilization will be UNSUSTAINABLE so long as most mortals are ignorant about the very 
basic facts of their mortal existence - - - and mortals continue to exist in Objective-and-Reflexive  
Alienative-Conflicts   with each other. In the absence of the Gracious-Mitigation-of-Alienative-
Mortal-Conflicts - - - Civilization - IS-NOT-SUSTAINABLE.

What Traditionally Honored-and-Revered:

Principles       Virtues    Goals             Hopes          Aspiration   Expectations     Aspirations

                 Play central roles in Creating-and-Augmenting our most TRAGIC:

Alienative-Conflicts        Alienations       Terrors        Wars         Fears            Anxieties

Prejudices       Biases     Ignorance         Confusion      Distrust     Provincialisms   Greed

Security         Defenses   Forts             Fortresses     Mansions     Invulnerability  SUVs

Trying-to-Win Pretentious-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception to get Enough-to-be-Secure - - - Always.


                                            Which of our traditional:   

              Ideals        Values            Principles     Virtues       Traditions  etc.


Pretense?     Appearances?  Certainty?        Tenacity?      Sacrifice?    Confidence?     Loyalty?

Purity?       Superiority?  Domination?       Control?       Discipline    Conformity?     Standards/

Traditions?   Ruts?         Paths?            Walls?         Defenses?     Security?       Unilateral-Acts?

Exclusivity?  Unity?        Influence?        Stability?     Shunning?     Exclusivity     Excommunications?          
Achievements? Successes?    Victories?        Winnings?      Profits?      Longevity?      Wealth?

Money?        Investments?  Bonds?            Agreements?    Coalitions?   Corporations?   Dominance?


How can we come to consensuses about coherent clusters of mutually-complimentary: Ideals, Values,
vIRTUES AND pRINCIPLES - - - which we can safely allow to play central roles within Well-Integrated-
Clusters which we can reliably trust and sustain for a very long time - - - within all part of God's
Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth?   Which of the following can we safely include?

Honesty?      Openness?      Transparency?    Clarity?       Dialogue?     Listening?       Confirmations?

Cooperation?  Colaboration?  Hospitality?     Generosity?    Sharing?      Mutuality?       Balance?

Modesty?      Prudence?      Moderation?      Humility?      Meekness?     Simplicity?      Sustainability?

Exploration?  Integrity?     Authenticity?    Healing?       Forgiveness?  Reconciliation?  Diplomacy?

Kindness?     Empathy?       Sympathy?        Sensitivity?   Justice?      Distributive-Justice?   

Which of the above Integrative-Virtues can Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters SAFELY-TRUST/ALLOW?