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The Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth needs to conduce Both Objective-and-Reflexive
Systems-Analyses of the Conditions/Environments Within-Which:

 1. Alienative-Conflicts Originate, are Born and Grow.

 2. Alienative-Conflicts and Alienative-Relationships are Graciously-Mitigated by the Complicit
    Participants and Victims.

 3. Alienative-Conflicts and Alienative-Relationships ARE-HIDDEN, INVISIBLE, IGNORED, CONFUSED,
    TOLERATED; perhaps by people trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception.

In the absence of such Systems-Analyses, The-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny-and-Isolated Space-Ship-
Earth - - - is not likely to survive for long with any honorable-degree-of-integrity.

Based upon the findings, conclusions and consensuses generated by such Systems-Analyses - - - we can
such as:

Greed         Hoarding      Coveting       Arrogance     Pretentions     Domination     Deception

Dishonesty    Violence      Rape           Abuse         Enslavement     Hubris         Segregation

Prejudices    Ignorance     Provincialism  Wars          Terrorism       Murder         Crime

Imprisonment  Addictions    Depression     Oppression    Disease         Codependence   Gambling

Is there any unbiased-evidence and are there any confirmable humane experiences that show that 
any one of the above ALIENATIVE-REALITIES is essential to the survival of any humane civilization!