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The Essence-of-Alienative-Conflicts - - - can be found in the: acceptance, affirmation, admiration,
demonstration, support and thoughtless-tolerance of EXCLUSIVE:

People               Organizations         Communities             Goods

Ideals               Values                Principles              Virtues

The Essence-of-Alienation is the Unilateral-Exclusion of Crew-Members within God's Astronomically-Tiny
Space-Ship-Earth - - - Preventing-Them from Being-Together In Shalom's-Many-Gracious-Patterns of:

Cooperation          Colaboration          Listening-Dialogue      Presence       Intimacy

Creativity           Affection             Sexuality               Bonding        Love

Neighborliness       Admiration            Worship                 Reverence      Honest-Dialogue       

Openness             Inclusion             Hospitality             Generosity     Tolerance


Central within the Essence-of-Alienation are following realities which are both the Fruits Of and
Causes-of Our-Own: Alienation and Alienative-Conflicts:

Domination           Anxiety               Terrors                 Terrorism      Terrorists

Technocrats          Narrow-Specialists    Isolated-Technologies   Mean-Means     Prescribed-Ways

Proscribed-Ways      Eternal-Conformity    Prescribed-Goods        Good-Profits   Good-Investments

Redemptive-Violence  Domineering-Bullies   Redemptive-Coercion     Good-Greed     Mobbing-Mobsters

Good-Preparations-for-War/Terrorism        Good-Military-Industrial-Congressional-Complexes

Good-Security-Councils/Coalitions          Good-Defensive-Preparations-for-Invulnerability

Forts/Fortresses that are Invulnerable     Better Mansions and SUV's than other people enjoy

Better-Luxuries than others enjoy          Outstanding-Demonstrations-of-Conspicuous-Consumption

Invulnerability through Greedy-Hoarding    The Inhibition of Our-Mitigating Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts

Augmentations of Alienative-Conflicts      Perpetuations of Our-Own Traditions-of-Alienation


The Gracious-and-Redemptive Mitigation of Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts and Our-Own Alienations - - -

WILL-INCLUDE Our Thoughtfully-Intentionally-and-Collaborative Processes-of-LETTING-GO-OF:

Pretentions          Dishonesty            Trying-To-Win-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception

Safe-Alienation      Good-Alienation       Redemptive-Violence      Redemptive-Coercion   Good-Greed

Good-Exclusivity     Good-Domination       Fearful-Motivations      Terror-Full-Motivations    gods

Wars-on-Terror       Wars-on-Terrorists    Wars-to-Stop-Violence    Wars-to-End-Wars      Good-Arrogance


To Be-Graciously-Together in Shalom's Many-Diverse-Ways-of-Love:

It is NOT-Enough - - -
                          to Just-Let-Go of the above kinds of Alienative-Preoccupations!


We Must-Also Cooperate-and-Collaborate in identifying and focusing our Attention-and-Efforts UPON - - -

Thoughtful-and-Well-Informed-Reverence   toward   People-Being-Engaged in Open-and-Honest-Dialogue - - -

With Diverse-Other-People throughout Space-Ship-Earth - - - regarding the Importance to ALL-OF-US of:

Cooperating in Working-to-Identify and Satisfy in the Most-Sustainable-Possible-Ways; Our-Common-Needs-For:

 1. Open-and-Honest-Dialogues about the most Basic-and-Healthy-True NEEDS of ALL members-of-the CREW.

 2. Wide-Spread-Consensuses about Integrative-Clusters of: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, etc.

 3. The Augmentation of   Authentic-Integrative-Personal   Processes-and-Relationships.

 4. The Augmentation of   Authentic-Present Personal-and-Communal   Integrities-of-all-kinds.

 5. The Augmentation of   Integrative/Reconciling ways to use words like "Good" and "Evil".

 6. Affirmations-and-Demonstrations of: Generosity, Hospitality and Reconciling-Gracious-Mutual-Acceptance.

 7. Gracious-and-Honest Accurate-Descriptions of most of our own Reflexive-Personal-Relationships.

 8. Open, Public, Gracious, Honest and Accurate   DESCRIPTIONS of our  Own-Limits-and-Limitations as we
    as mortals live our lives within God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth  which is Essentially-
    Isolated-Form  ALL Significant-Amounts of Extraterrestrial-Material-Resources of the kinds which are
    Most-Coveted within Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth.


Domineering-Bullies are people who seek to Be-In-Control of whatever they most covet and admire; e.g.,
Admirable-Intimate-Personal-Relationships and all Communications that Pertain-to-Them and About-Them.

Thus, Domineering-Bullies are on Collision-Course with All-People's Constitutional-Rights that pertain to
all Guaranteed-Freedoms of:

Speech      Press      Petition      Assembly     Communication     Open-and-Honest-Dialogue    Intimacies 

And publicly offering Accurate-and-Reliable Descriptions of Objective-and-Reflexive  Relationships/Processes.

Domineering-Bullies are prone to engage in Violent-Activities-and-Relationships; and so are prone toward the
Violent-Overthrow-of-Constitutional Communication-Rights; e.g., to TREASON.

Be-Aware and Beware of Domineering-Bullies who are working to Augment Military-Industrial-Congressional Complexes
where great Powers-and-Wealth are Traditionally-Concentrated in Highly-Alienative-Ways and Alienative-Conflicts.

                              TO-THE-DEGREE To-Which a Community-as-a-True-Sanctuary IS:

Sustainable-Long-Term      Healthy-and-Authentic                  Well-Integrated           Robustly/Adaptable   
Hospitable-to-Creativity      Hospitable-to-Open-Honest-Dialogues    Well-Balanced-Overall     Able-to-Survive


ALL the people within such a community will    Be-In-Consensus    About-the-Above   Alienative-Difficulties.