Communal: ideals, values, principles, virtues, hopes, aspirations, expectations, etc. - - - are embodied in Communal: Consensuses, Affirmations, Demonstrations, Rituals, Traditions, Conceptual-Frame-Works, Ideologies, Mind-Sets, Moods, etc. Communal: Health, Integrities, Integration-Processes, Sustainability, Civility and Civilizations - - - are NOT in-any-meaningful-sense; Just-the-Sum of the attributes of Isolated/Alienated Individual-Members- of-Communities - - - In the absence of Thoughtful-and-Intentional Communal-Integration-Processes and of Communal-Collaborative-Efforts to Facilitate-the-Mitigations by Communal-Residents of their Own-Alienative- Conflicts. The latter are not Just-Sums of Individual-Isolated-Efforts! They are the Fruits of the efforts of an Intentional-Well-Integrated-Community acting with Communal-Integrity! Communal: Health-and-Integrity are the Intentional-Fruits of Intentional-Whole-Communal-Cooperative-Efforts; NOT the Automatic-Un-Intentional-Fruits of Efforts by Egocentric-Individuals doing what they Individually- See as Best-for-themselves. Where there is NO Shared-Communal-Vision of the Long-Term-Sustainable-Health-and-Integrity of the Whole-Crew of God's-Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - which is Essentially-Isolated from all Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources that are most like the most coveted Material-Resources inside of Space-Ship-Earth - - - There is no Well-Grounded-Hope for any Long-Term-Sustainable Personal-or-Communal Health-and-Integrity in God's Space-Ship Earth - - - Isolated as it Really-Is. The above considerations pertain to the Long-Term Sustainability-and-Integrity of All-Human: Economic-Systems Distributive-Justice-Systems Energy-Distribution-Systems Communal-Security-Systems Health-Care-Systems Natural-Disaster-Recovery-Systems Natural-Resources-Distribution-Systems Exponential-Growth-Management-Systems Alienative-Conflict-Mitigation-Systems Reconciliation-Systems Within Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth.