Upon what reliable-accurate-descriptions of reliable-patterns in human-RELATIONSHIPS - - - can a group of healthy, intelligent and well informed adults - - - develop reliable-and-sustainable-consensuses - - - regarding how they can help people who are participants-in-and/or-victims-of Alienative-Conflicts - - - to cooperate-with-each-other - - - in Mitigating-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Over-All in the Long-Term - - - Within God's Astronomically-Tiny-Isolated-Space-Ship-Earth? How are participants in a Work-Shop on "Helping People to Mitigate Their-Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - to start-cooperating with each other in effective ways to fulfill the mission of such a Work-Shop? To be meaningful; the-above-questions need to be asked within the context of the dilemmas faced by all members of the Whole-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - isolated as it is from all Extra-Terrestrial-Material-Resources that are most like those which are most coveted inside of Space-Ship-Earth. Those Dilemmas include, but are not limited to the following Present-Patterns within: 1. Climate-Changes, 2. Global-Warming, 3. Glaciers-Melting, 4. Polar-Ice-Sheets-Melting, 5. Species-Extinctions, 6. Ocean-Levels-Rising, 7. Fossil-Fuel-Exhaustions, 8. Exponential-Growths in Populations and Per-Capita-Consumption-Rates, 9. Growing-Levels of Air-Pollution, 10. Growing-Levels of Water-Pollution, 11. Growing-Levels of Soil-Pollution-and-Loss, 12. Growing-Levels of Ocean-Pollutions, 13. Growing-Levels of People-Playing-to-WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception, 14. Growing-Levels of Concentrations of: Wealth, Power, Influence, Technocracy; 15. Growing-Levels of Domination by Bullies, 16. Growing-Levels of: Arrogance Pretense Contentiousness Negativity Polarizations Dichotomization Alienation Violence Greed False-Security Invulnerability Sexual-Abuse Addictions Codependency Technocracies Intolerance Exclusivity Excommunications Shunnings Imprisonments How are members of any Work-Shop on Mitigating-Our-Own-Alienative-Conflicts, to deal Graciously with Alienative-Conflicts between Prevailing-Views of a Majority-of-the-Participants in the Work-Shop --- and a majority of the most influential people within their overall communities of origin? Such a conflict is bound to "mirrored" within the members of the Work-Shop! What is to be done? It might be helpful for participants in the work-shop to compose their own essays for posting - - - either attributed and/or anonymously. It might be helpful to engage in Priority-Voting-Procedures to help Generate-Consensuses about Healthy-Clusters of: ideals, values, principles, virtues, etc. - - - which are Sustainable-in-the-Long- Term - - - among the members of the Expanding-Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - isolated as it is from all extra-terrestrial material-resources that are most like the most coveted Material-Resources within Space-Ship-Earth. It may be helpful to cooperate in helping to generate like-consensuses about Clusters-of-Healthy- Questions which merit spending significant amounts of time on together; in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues regarding how-to-Most-Helpfully-Respond-To such Clusters-of-Questions - - - such as the following: How can we Most-Helpfully Be-in-Dialogue about the natures of whatever can be labeled as being "EVIL" or "GOOD"; and WHEREIN can "EVIL" or "GOOD" helpfully be said to: reside, grow, be-augmented, be-mitigated, etc. What about WITHIN-ISOLATED: Human-Bodies? Persons? Mind-Sets? Minds? Desirers? Pleasures? Ideas? Ideals? Values? Principles? Virtues? Concepts? Plans? Goals? Successes? Concepts? Positions? Coalitions? Groups? Minorities? Luxuries? Poverty? Impotence? Despair? It might be most helpful to identify Humane-and-Inhumane - - - Personal-RELATIONSHIPS which may be said to be "EVIL" or "GOOD"; to be demonstrating "Alienation in Alienative-Conflicts" and/or "Reconciliation in Cooperative/Collaborative-Efforts to help people to Mitigate-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts and Their-Own Enduring-Patterns-of-Being-Alienated From-Each-Other in ALIENATIVE-RELATIONSHIPS and Alienative-Conflicts."