Addictions-involve-humans - - - In Playing Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception regarding their ability to successfully use chemical compounds (drugs), techniques and technologies To-Compensate-For the debilitating effects of our own Alienative-Conflicts. Players of the above Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception - - - Convince-Each-Other - - - in Mutually-Cooperative-Ways - - - That they need-not Mitigate-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Because they can successfully use chemical compounds, techniques and technologies - - - To Compensate for the tragically debilitating effects of their enduring Alienative-Conflicts. Codependent-Supporters of Addicts - - - interact with addicts; in Playing Their Collusive Games of Mutual-Self-Deception - - - often without becoming overtly involved in the rituals of addictive-compensations - - - FOR the-Alienative-Consequences of Un-Mitigated-Alienative-Conflicts. Self-Deception revolves around "being-able" to technocratically compensate for the alienations generated by technocratic behaviors. It is a dizzying-dance which confuses all who are affected by the Games! The participant-victims cannot diagnose and resolve their own Alienative-Conflicts - - - because technocrats and technologies do not deal honestly with Reflexive-Human-Relationships which are ESSENTIALLY-NOT-OBJECTIVE. Technocrats cannot compensate for the biases of technocrats; because they cannot detect their own biases. Addicts cannot compensate for the biases of addicts; because they cannot detect their own biases. Players of Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases. Domineering-Bullies; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases. Greedy-People; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases. People who are Blind-to-any-Reality; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases. People who are Deaf to Inferior-People; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases. Superior-People; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for their own biases against "Inferior-People". Superior-People; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for the biases in favor of other Like-Superior-People. Provincial-People; LIKEWISE cannot compensate for the biases of their own isolated neighbors. So long as we are alienated from each other and/or are engaged in Alienative-Conflicts - - - we need the help of people who are different-from-us and are willing to engage in open and honest dialogues with us! Are We-Willing to engage in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues with such Different-People? With True-Lovers who Non-Violently-Resist ALL-of-our-BEST-Efforts? You must be crazy!