We need to be careful around people who - - - as individuals-and-groups are Not- Careful about Thinking-and-Communicationg in terms of the Concepts-Words-and-Phrases which often lead people into Creating and/or Augmenting their own Alienative-Conflicts. Be-Aware and Beware-of Alienative Thoughts-and-Statements like: 1. "Win" more-often-than: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People Different-People, and Strangers. 2. "Lose" less-often-than: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People Different-People, and Strangers. 3. "Defeat" Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 4. BE More "Successful" and more-often-than: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 5. Be in "Control" of: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People Different-People,and Strangers. 6. "Dominate" Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 7. Exclude: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 8. Punish: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 9. Excommunicate: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. 10. Be Over-All-More-Efficient-than: Challengers, Opponents, Enemies, Evil-People, Inferior-People, Different-People, and Strangers. The above kinds of Thoughts-and-Statements are especially troublesome when the people who make them and/or who Honor-the-Thoughts-and-Statements - - - are indifferent to the Alienative-Conflicts and Alienative-Relationships which are Generatetd-and-Sustained in the processes that are associated with the Thoughts-and-Statements.