The following aspects of human behaviors may merit respect, honor, admiration and support within-some-contexts - - - But those aspects are exceedingly-problematic, if not tragic, when they are affirmed and demonstrated within contexts wherein - - - Alienations-and-Alienative-Conflicts are Usually-and-Reliably Augmented-Along-With: Tenacity Self-Sacrifice Perseverance Commitment Self-Confidence Sophistication Efficiency Skill Egocentricity Greedy-Pleasures Ego-Delights Enthusiasm Blind-Loyalty Team-Loyalty Efficiency Central-Powers Corruption Hoarding More-Luxuries More-Consumption The above suggest the need to beware of Isolated-Single: Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Goals, Purposes, Plans, Intentions, Missions, etc. The above thus suggests the needs for Well-Integrated Clusters-of-Mutually-Supportive Ideals, Values, Principles, Virtues, Goals, Purposes, Plans, Intentions, Missions, etc.