To Be-Truly-Humane in Shalom's-Ways-of-LOVE   we must learn-together how to  Share-our-own "Grounds-for-Hope"

Letting-Go of our Domineering-Bullies' Life-Styles with their Dishonest-and-Disintegrative "Grounds-for-Hope"

                                       CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING GROUNDS FOR HOPE:

Being-Invulnerable   Being-Secure      Being-Safe           Being-In-Charge       Being-Forcefully-United    

Being-Charged-Up     Being-Excited     Being-Enthusiastic   Being-Committed       Being-In-Covenants
Being-Sure           Being-Absolute    Being-Tenacious      Being-Self-Confident  Being-EGO-Centered

Being-Domineering    Being-In-Control  Being-Invulnerable   Being-Superior        Being-Pure   Being-Conformed

Exponential-Growth   More-Than-Enough  Hoarding-More        Assumptions           Prejudices   Biases    

Being-Resolute       Being-Determined  Building-Forts       Fortresses            Luxuries     Excesses   

Thoughtlessness      Greed             EGOtism              Self-Centeredness     Violence     Wars            

Terrorists           Individualism     Isolationism         Alienative-Conflicts  Arrogance    Hubris   


As-True-Lovers-Do, SO ALSO we need to learn how to Openly-and-Honestly share our own TRUE:


Feelings             Desires           Needs                Vulnerabilities       Fears        Anxieties     

Repressions          Depressions       Assumptions          Approaches            Expectations Anxieties    

Terrors              Repressions       Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception USED  To-Conceal-our-lack-of-Love.

Being-Together-In-Communal Sanctuaries for-ALL    who are interested in exploring     Being-There.

Open-and-Honest-Dialogues     WHILE    Being-Together-in-All-Kind-Kinds     of        Intimate-Relationships.


Consider below the kinds of realities suggested   on the left,   and on the right.

Within each different kind of community - - - and ask-yourself the following three related QUESTIONS:  

1. Is it LIKELY that the realities suggested on the LEFT  will occur in CLOSE-ASSOCIATION with-each-other?

2. Is it LIKELY that the realities suggested on the RIGHT will occur in CLOSE-ASSOCIATION with-each-other?

3. Is it LIKELY that the realities suggested on the LEFT  will occur in CLOSE-ASSOCIATION with ones on-the-RIGHT?

Kindness                         Domination
Reconciliation                   Torture
Integrations                     Destruction
Intimacies                       Brutality
Tolerance                        Conformity
Diversity                        Uniformity
Creativity                       Purity
Imagination                      Obedience
Honesty                          Pretense
Openness                         Secrecy
Dialogues                        Monologues
Liberations                      Controls
Affirmations                     Negativity
Unifications                     Polarizations
Integrations                     Dichotomizations
Colaboration                     Contentiousness
Humility                         Hubris
Modesty                          Pretense
Patience                         Impatience
Tolerance                        Intolerance
Cooperation                      Unilateral-Actions
Hospitality                      Exclusivity
Generosity                       Greedy-Hoarding
Conflict-Mitigations             Conflict-Augmentations
Augmentation-of-Communications   Augmentations-of-Contentiousness
Open-and-Honest-Dialogues        Playing-TO-WIN-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception

What do the LIKELY  and  UNLIKELY      

CLOSE-ASSOCIATIONS    suggested above - - - say about:   

Us   Being-Truly-Humane   in Shalom's-Ways-of-LOVE?