Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters are Trust-Busters. They-bust-Up Coalitions-of-True-Lovers - - - Who Trust-Each-Other in Being-Completely-Vulnerable In-Each-Other's-Presences in True-Communal-Sanctuaries. True-Lovers and Mitigators-of-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts - - - Are Trust-Builders. True-Lovers are: Intentionally, Graciously and Persistently in the Sustainable-Ways-of-Shalom - - - Working in Mutually-Understood-Ways - - - to Build-Up their levels of Cooperative-Mutual-Trust Within enduring-Patterns of Intimate-Open-and-Honest-Dialogues - - - Focusing-Upon the Most-Healthy-and-Basic-Needs-of-All Members of the crew of Space-Ship-Earth. God's Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth - - - Exists in Enduring-Material-Isolation from All-Extraterrestrial-Concentrations of the Pure-Material-Resources Most-Coveted within Tiny-Space-Ship-Earth - - - by the Mutually-Alienated-and-Greedy Members-of-the-Crew - - - Exponentially-Growing their Many-Greedy-Ways of - - - Consuming-Earth's-Limited and Exhaustible-Pure-Material-Resources - - - As Luxuries for small fractions of the Members-of-the-Crew.