Naively-Assigning Guilt/Shame/Blame due to perceived associations-in-space or social-settings and/or in intimate-
private-settings - - - is Not-True-Justice; not prudent, wise, or just action to take by anybody, anywhere at any
time, for any reason.
Naively-Treating all forms and levels of intimacy as equivalent to each other - - - is not prudent, wise or just
--- for similar reasons related to the inevitable undermining of communal and personal integrities.
It is not-safe to assume that we can discern a person's true committments, beliefs, political "positions", sexual
"orientations" or likely future behaviors by means of reports about:
1. Where they have been seen and with whom in what settings of possible intimacy.
2. What publications they have seen, read, discussed, or passed around to others.
3. Whom they have been seen talking to or been seen near to.
4. Whom they have touched, hugged, kissed, etc.
5. Whose views and perspectives they have shown to know about.
6. What religious and/or political rituals they have been seen to perform.
7. What of the above they have tolerated or tacitly accepted as not calling for firm criticism.
8. What identified evil-people and enemies-of-the-people they have failed to attack in appropriate ways.
All of the above "pieces-of-evidence" against unpopular people have been the focus of gossip and/or intense
gations in secret places - - - to gain power to mislead naive-fools who do not think-clearly,
in terms of reliable-court-relevant-information about what realities are the greatest threats to the integrity of
people, communities, governments and democracy with their appropriate systems of "Checks-and-Balances" against the
corrupting effects of extreme concentrations of: wealth, power and influence by Domineering-Bullies, Mobbing-
Mobsters, Kings, Queens, Emperors, Dictators, etc. - - - who are worshipped by people who lack the courage to think
for them-selves in terms of their own unique experiences and perspectives.
Some-Misleading-Interpretations of "evidence" are often reliable REAL-EVIDENCE - - - of how the "interpreter" of
the "evidence" IS-IN-FACT: ignorant, biased, prejudiced and/or corrupted by the direct and/or indirect influence
of extreme concentrations of wealth, powers and/or influence.
Authentic-True-Lovers and Wise-Well-Informed-Thoughtful-Persons who are seeking to help people to Mitigate-Their-
Own Alienative-Conflicts - - - cannot be well-understood just in terms of the "positions" they are Seen-In or Seen-
Taking within expected-and-unexpected settings within:
Physical-Space Social-settings Religious-Rituals Political-Rituals Economic-Rituals Romantic-Rituals
Scientific-Work Affective-Actions Conventional-Actions Academic-Rituals Private-Actions Honest-Intimacies
Such "appearances" have often been "staged" to mislead Tragically-Simplistic-Fools who do not think through all of
the possibly relevant kinds of real evidence.
Sometimes such "evidence" is purely accidental; and has no reliable significance or meaning; especially when no
efforts has been made to