Human-Relationships are Truly-Intimate Only-to-the-Extent that each of the following are true-statements about the participants. 1. The participants started becoming intimate with each other in response to balanced mutual interests in each other as whole persons, whose interests with each other were authentic and involvved open and honest dialogus that were free of pretense and ulterior motives that were significantly egocentric. 2. The participants were and continued to be equally powerful and always free to draw back and/or move fuerther into open- and honest dialogue about their respective authentic: needs, desires, concerns, fears, hopes, expectations, pleasures, and correlary considerations. 3. The participants seek-together-to-cooperate in Mitigating-Their-Own Alieantive-Conflicts within their relationships; and with others who have shown gracious and/or troubled concerns regarding their relationshps. 4. The participants share equally in enjoying the fruits of their cooperative efforts; and in the risks/costs of their cooperative efforts. 5. We agree Openly-and-Honestly to Be-Together within Shalom's-Dialogues; Communicating, Cooperating and Colaborating with Each-Other-Person As-Well-As-We-Can in Appropriately-Sharing Risks-and-Benefits of Vulnerabilities-and- Intimacies in the Interdependent-Ways-of-Shalom. 6. We acknowledge that we can build healthy intimate relationships that can be sustained and endure Only-to-the-Eextent that we LET-GO-OF: Hopes, Intentions-and/or-Expectations of being: Free-to-Act-Unilaterally Invulnerable Risk-Free Totally-Secure Dominant Exclusively-In-Charge In-Control Superior Concentrating-Wealth Concentrating-Powers Immune-to-Criticisms Pretentious Secretive Independent Free-of-Constraints Free-of-Limitations Worshipped Idolized Revered Perfect 7. Alienative-Conflicts that are related to the relationships suggested in item six above - - - are often rooted in beliefs that SUPERIOR-PEOPLE can Unilaterally Make-Things-Better by UNILATERALLY-IMPOSING-SUPERIOR: Standards Judgements Technologies Powers Forces Tenacity Urgency Taboos Demands Commands Prerequisites Hierarchies Rank-Orderings Forms-of-Conformity Virtues 8. It is Exceedingly-Uunlikely that people whose beliefs are indicated in item seven above - - - will play any helpful role in the Mitigation of any Alienative-Conflicts.