Domineering-Bullies often begin by idolizing either an Ultimately-Powerful-Technology or what they regard as an Ultimately- Important-Cause; and then shop around for one of the other kind-of-reality - - - for a Marriage-of-Convenience betweem an ULTIMATELY-IMPORTANT-CAUSE and an Ultimately-Powerful-Technology. Given the above Ultimately-Joined-Pair-of-Realities; it is impossible for the High-Priest-of-the-Marriage-Ceremony to Acknowledge, Descirbe or Let-Go of any of the following Tragically-Present-Realities: 1. Alienative-Idolatry created through the MARRIAGE, 2. Confusion about ULTIMATE: Means-and-Ends, Technologies-and-Purposes, 3. Confusion about how and where Evil is Present. 4. Confusion about how and where Good is Present. 5. Confusion about how and where God is Present. 6. Confusion about the essence of Good and of Evil. 7. Playing to WIN Collusive Games of Mutual Self-Deception about Troubling-Realities within God's Astronomical-Cosmos. 8. Playing to WIN Collusive Games of Mutual Self-Deception about Impossibilities within God's Astronomical-Cosmos. 9. Playing to WIN Collusive Games of Mutual Self-Deception about Possibilities within God's Astronomical-Cosmos. 10. Confusion about how and where Evil can be present Within-US, Among-US, Within-our-Relationships, etc. 11. Confusion about how and where Good can be present Within-US, Among-US, Within-our-Relationships, etc. 12. Confusion about how and where Evil cannot be present Within-US, Among-US, Within-our-Relationships, etc. 13. Confusion about how and where Good cannot be present Within-US, Among-US, Within-our-Relationships, etc. So long as we ignore the presence of many of the above realities, we cannot effectively Mitigate Our-Own Alienative-Conflicts.