True-Lovers-Cooperate in Affirming-and Demonstrating how to be together in taking safe steps in Shalom's-Ways of Letting- GO-of-ALIENATIVE-and-SIMPLISTIC: Ideologies Assumptions Attitudes Approaches Perspectives Point-of-view Rationalizations Attacks Defenses Fortresses Arrogance Self-Righteousness Superiority Contentions Techniques Technologies Negations Polarizations Dichotomies Walls Fences Boundaries Segregations Hierarchies Shunnings Excommunications Intolerance Concentrations-of Wealth Powers Influences Wanting-More Hoarding-More Exponential-Growth Resource-Exhaustions To-Enjoy-Together a Healthy-Integrative-Civilization - - - within God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth - - - Essentially-Isolated as-it-is from all Extra-Terrestrial-Material-Resources like those being Exhausted-by-Exponentially- Growing Consumption-Rates - - - ALL-Members-of-The-Crew must become - - - True-Lovers-Cooperating in Affirming-and Demonstrating how to be together in taking safe steps in Shalom's-Ways of Letting- GO-of-ALIENATIVE-and-SIMPLISTIC REALITIES AS NOTED ABOVE - - - so as to be able to Be-Together in a Healthy-Integrative- Civilization - - - enjoying: Safety Security Integrities Integrations Mutual-Tolerance Open-and-Honest-Intimate-Dialogues Cooperation Collaborations Discoveries Mutuality Creativity Reconciliations ALONG-WITH - - - - Mitigating-Their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts Letting-GO-of Trying-to-WIN-ALL-Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception!