For True-Lovers and Domineering-Bullies to Cooperate-Graciously in helping to Truly-Mitigate each other's Core-Conflicts
--- they each need to understand the nature of each other's efforts to enjoy:
Safety Security Relaxation Letting-go-of: Fears Anxieties Terrors Prejudices
Biases Confusion Ignorance Secrecy Vulnerability Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception
About Who-is-Good Who-is-Evil What-IS-GOD'S WILL ABSOLUTE-TRUTH Being-Perfect Being-Superior Being=-Pure
The above will involve High-Level Conflicts-Among ULTIMATE-CONCERNS! SEE THE CHART BELOW
Core-Needs below Core-Strategies below
* * *
True-Lovers * Intimacy Mutuality and Balance * Distributive-Justice * True-Lovers
* * * Demonstrate-Integrity
Have-Integrity * Personal & Communal Integrity * Building and Maintaining Communal Sanctuaries *
* * * And so fail to satsify
* Open-and-Honest-Dialogue * Generosity * Domineering-Bullies'-Demands
* * *
* Cooperative-Creativity * Hospitality *
* * *
* Collaborative Meeting-of-Basic-Needs * Reconciliation *
* * *
* Mutual Acceptance-and-Tolerance * Sharing *
* * *
* Gracious-Sanctuaries for ALL * Letting-GO of Preoccupations with Alienative-Conflicts *
* * *
* * *
Domineering *