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In regard to our own Alienative-Conflicts; WHAT are the important:
(a) Interacting-Elements? (b) Manners-of-Interactions-among-the-Elements? (c) Motivators-of-Interactions among-the-Elements? (d) Guiding-Factors-and-Powers? (e) Sources-of-Energy-and-Power? (f) Reasons-for-Continuance? (g) Ways in which people perceive and understand all of the above realities? (h) Alienative-Conflicts of Various-Kinds among the above realities. (i) Ways of Mitigating-Alienative-Conflicts implicit in all of the above realities? (j) Ways in which Conflicts-among-the-above-Realities DO "Make-Sense"? (k) Ways in which Conflicts-among-the-above-Realities DO-NOT "Make-Sense"? (l) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Mitigate-OUR-OWN-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS? (m) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-OUR-OWN-ALIENATIVE-CONFLICTS? (n) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-WHO-IS-COMPLICIT-IN-CONFLICTS? (o) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-OUR-IS-VICTIMIZED-BY-CONFLICTS? (p) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-IDEAS-IDEALS-VALUES-PRINCIPLES-VIRTUES THAT ARE IN CONFLICT? (q) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-WHY-WE-ARE-IN-ENDURING-UNMITIGATED-CONFLICTS? (r) Ways in which we ourselves can work to Clarify-WHY-WE-FEAR-MITIGATIONS-OF-OUR-OWN-ENDURING-UNMITIGATED-CONFLICTS? (s) Realities which transcend-US which are IN-CONFLICT-AMONG-THEMSELVES APART-FROM-OUR-BEING-INVOLVED-IN-THEM? (t) Various-Peoples's CONFLICTING: IDEALS? DESIRES? EXPECTATIONS? PREDICTIONS? VALUES? DEMANDS? REQUIREMENTS? DREAMS? PRINCIPLES? COMMANDS? VISIONS? HOPES? PLEASURES? LUXURIES? FEARS? ANXIETIES? TERRORS? TERRORISTS? GREED-FORMS? HOARDING-FORMS? PLANS? POWER-FORMS? WEALTH-FORMS? COERCION-FORMS? DEFENSES? TECHNOLOGIES? TECHNOCRATS? RESISTANCE-FORMS? ATTACK-FORMS? DENIGRATIONS? NEGATIONS? POLARIZATIONS? Which of the above can Be-in-conflict-with-each-other - - - in the Total-Absence-of-People? What evidence is there to support your own response - - - to each question to which you respond?