RETURN TO recent.htm ESSAY-HYPER-LINKS The following thoughts are pertinent to designing and guiding the course of events in a University-Course intended to help students to learn how to help yet others to Mitigate-their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts. To enjoy healthy-integrity-together - - - at appropriate times and in appropriate contexts - - - we must help each other TO-LET-GO OF: Greed, Hoarding, Always-Wanting-More, Holding, Keeping, Possessions; Being-in-Control, Concentrations-of-Power-Influence-and-Wealth, Hopes-to-Achieve-Invulnerability and to Enjoy-Invulnerability in Sustainable-Ways, Unilateral: Plans, Hopes, Expectations, Demands, Commands, etc. Preoccupations with Perfections, Purity and Absolutes, Preoccupations with Superior-Isolated: ideals, values, principles, virtues, visions, hopes, etc. Preoccupations that are not well integrated with "different" people. The following are additional ways to describe aspects of such a university course on mitigating our own Alienative-Conflicts: A. An Introduction to the Keys/Logic of Civility-and Civilizations. B. An Integration of the Keys/Logic of Civility-and Civilizations. C. An Introduction to the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. D. A Description of the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. E. A Rational for the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. F. The Foundations of the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. G. The Essences of the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. H, A Workshop on the Keys/Logic if Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. I. Working Cooperatively to create TRUE Coherence in Civility and Civilizations. J. Universal Principles of Civility and Civilization in Mitigating our Alienative-Conflicts. K. Intimacy in Military Alienative Conflicts WITHOUT Mitigating our Alienative-Conflicts. L. True Open and Honest Dialogue WITHIN Mitigating Alienative-Conflicts.