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Given the core-aspects of the Life-Styles of Demoneering-Bullies and of contrasting True-Lovers who are seeking to
helpe people to Mitigate their Own-Alienative-Conflicts:

1. Domineering-Bullies cannot remain true to their own core: Aspects, Beliefs, Assumptions, Confictions, Values,
Virtues, Loyalties and Perspectives --- IF they allow themselves or each other to:

   a.  Be-Engaged in Cooperative-Activities with True-Lovers.
   b.  Show any respect for True-Lovers, their Life-Styles and/or their Characteristic-Activities.
   c.  Be-Tempted to explore the possibilities of the Life-Styles of True-Lovers.

2. True-Lovers cannot remain true to their own core: Aspects, Beliefs, Assumptions, Confictions, Values,
Virtues, Loyalties and Perspectives --- IF they fail to try to reveal to Domineering-Bullies as much as they
can with personal integrity --- about the advantages to all memembers of the crew of astronomically-tiny 
space-ship-earth of:
    a. Engaging in cooperative-activities with many different people in Shalom's-Diverse-
    b. Showing informed and profound respect and admiration for many different kinds of Kind-and-True-Lovers in
Shalom's Many-Diverse-Ways.
    c. Painfully-Aware of the tragedies in the lives of Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing mobsters --- Playing-to-WIN