Communications-offered and Communication-as-Received --- correspond well to each other --- only to the extent that those offering and those receiving and interpreting the communications --- are functioning on the basis of Mutually-and-Commonly-Understood: 1. Mutually-Shared-Languages such as: Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Russian, Indian, Arabic, Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, English, their related cognates and many other native human oral and/or written languages. 2. Mutually-Shared-Languages such as: arithmetic, albegra, differential-calculus, integral- calculus, vector-analysis, operator-calculus, geometry, topology, differential-equations, Matrix-Albebra, Matric-Operators, Quantum-Mechanics, Symbolic-Logic, Assembler-Computer- Languages, FORTRAN, BASIC, PASCAL, COBAL, HTML, etc. 3. Mutually-Shared-Preoccupations with: a. Objects and Objective-Facts, b. Objective-Perceptions-and-Relationships, c. Human-Subjects and Subjective-Relationships, d. Subjective/Reflexive: Fears, Anxieties, Terrors and Anticipations, e. Reflexive Perceptions of each other and our relationships/intimacies, f. Reflexive Open-and-Honest-Dialogues, g. Visions, Fantasies, Dreams, etc. h. Utilitarian-Activities and uses of Tools, Techniques, and Technologies, i. Personal: Needs, Desires, Hopes, Aspirations, Intentions, Plans, j. Communal: Needs, Desires, Hopes, Aspirations, Intentions, Plans, k. Personal: Integration-Processes and Prresent-Integrations, l. Communal: Integration-Processes and Prresent-Integrations, m. Inuendoes, n. Implications, o. Threats, p. Invitations, q. Suggestions, r. Intuitions, s. Presences.