**** Course Keys According to the Transcendent, Holy, Sacred (Unquestionable) Principles which are the Essential-Foundations of The-Life-Styles of DOMINEERING-BULLIES who are Revered-Religious-Leaders --- They must prove themselves capable of Domination-over-others-who-are Inferior-to-Them! For such Revered-Religious-Leaders to Prove-Themselves-Capable-of-Unilateral-Domination over Inferior-People --- there must be an adequate-supply of Inferior-People --- to facilitate the process of Certification-of-Dominance! According to the Holy, Sacred (Unquestionable) Long-Standing-Traditions of DOMINEERING- BULLIES; the Adequate-Supply of Victims --- have been, and continue-to-be-found among: 1. Children, 2. Females, 3. Ignorant-Persons, 4. Racial-Minorities 5. Sick-People, 6. Poor-People, 7. Weak-People, 8. Vulnerable-People, 9. Confused-People, 10. Addicted-People, 11. Marginalized-Minorities, 12. Excommunicated-Persons, 13. "Different" Persons, The proofs of qualified-levels-of-domination are to be found in some individual's unquestionably superior sizes of: 1. Annual Wealth Accumulations, 2. Lifetime Wealth Accumulations, 3. Annual Power Concentrations. 4. Lifetime Power Concentrations, 5. Mansions Lived In, 6. SUV's Driven, 7. Luxuries and Vacations Enjoyed, 8. Egos Fully-Developed, 9. Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception "Won", 10. Absolute Certainties Honored by Many Others. DOMINEERING-BULLIES often think, feel and believe that they have earned the privilege, right and duty to facilitate the laws, rules and regulations which exist (and/or should exist) --- in keeping with the Life-Styles-of-DOMINEERING-BULLIES. It is usually not clear upon what authority DOMINEERING-BULLIES might, or should, have such rights, privileges and/or duties: A. God-Given? B. Appointed by Domineering-Bully-Friends? C. Fairly Elected by the Communities Domineering-Bullies? D. Scientific Evidence of the need from them to have and to hold?