We are True-Lovers to the extent that: We are reliably-aware of and openly-and-honestly-describe-and-confirm to-ourselves and to-each-other, how we are Reflexively-Aware of Our-Selves as: bodies, minds, spirits, souls and as embodiments of our respective and inter-active: A. Ideals, B. Hopes, C. Aspirations, D. Perspectives, E. Desires, F. Pleasures, G. Needs, H. Fears, I. Anxieties, J. Perceptions, K. Understandings, L. Reflections upon the above and the following, M. Intimacies and Incarnations, N. Alienations and Mistakes, O. Alienative-Conflicts, P. Confusions and Frustrations, Q. Biases, Limits, Ignorance, R. Prejudices and Limitations, S. Collusive Games of Mutual Self Deception, T. etc. - - - without unilaterally imposed limits. We are Domineering-Bullies to the extent that we play-to-win collusive-games-of- mutual-self-deception --- about the above realities among us; refusing to be open and honest with each other about our own experiences of alienation and of reconciliation.