Course Keys **** One of the most effective ways to help people to Mitigate-their-Own-Alienative-Conflicts is to facilitate and promote Personal-and-Communal Integrity in the Framing, Asking and Responding to the Most Fundamental Questions around which Alienative-Conflicts usually revolve in Contentious-Ways: 1. Who and what can be "ESSENTIALLY": Evil? Sinful? Defective? Inferior? 2. Who and what IS "ESSENTIALLY": Evil? Sinful? Defective? Inferior? 3. What can we do-together to Mitigate: Evil? Sin? Defects? Inferiorities? 4. What are the tragic Mythical-Misconceptions about: Evil? Sin? Defects? Etc? 5. What are the tragic Mythical-Misconceptions DUE-TO: Evil? Sin? Defects? Etc? 6. Can Evil-and-Sin "become-localized" within "Isolated-Individual-People?" 7. Can Evil-and-Sin "become-localized" within "Isolated-Groups-of-Individual-People?" 8. Can Evil-and-Sin "become-localized" within "Isolated-Tragic-Ideals/Ideologies?" 9. Can Evil-and-Sin "be-unilaterally-cast-out-of" "Isolated-Individual-People?" 10. CaN Evil-and-Sin "be-unilaterally-cast-out-of" "Isolated-Groups-of-People?" 11. Can Evil-and-Sin "be-unilaterally-cast-out-of" "Isolated-Ideals/Ideologies?" 12. Can Evil-and-Sin "be effectively dealt with, by Any-Being acting UNILATERALLY? 12. Can Evil-and-Sin "be effectively Mitigated, by Any-Being acting UNILATERALLY? 13. Can Evil-and-Sin "be effectively dealt with, by Any-Superior-Being acting alone? 14. What are the symptoms of the presence of: Good, Evil, Sin, Damnation, Salvation? 15. What are the symptoms of the absence of: Good, Evil, Sin, Damnation, Salvation? 16. What are the symptoms of resistance of: Good, Evil, Sin, Damnation, Salvation? 17. What are the symptoms of acceptance of: Good, Evil, Sin, Damnation, Salvation? 18. What are the symptoms of tolerance of: Good, Evil, Sin, Damnation, Salvation? 19. What kinds of people are in involved/complicit in each of the above realities? 20. What kinds of people are in involved/complicit in responding to each question above? 21. What kinds of people are in involved/complicit tolerating the above realities? 22. What roles do NEGATIVITY and AFFIRMATIONS play in each of the above realities? 23. What roles do ALIENATION and RECONCILIATION play in each of the above realities? 24. What roles do ARROGANCE and HUMILITY play in each of the above realities? 25. What roles do VIOLENCE and KINDNESS play in each of the above realities? 26. What roles do Communal-Sanctuaries and Wars play in each of the above realities? 27. What roles do TERRORS and Healthy-Intimacies play in each of the above realities? 28. What roles do Terrorists and Hospitals play in each of the above realities? 29. What roles do Schools and Education of girls play in each of the above realities? 30. What roles do Generosity and Hospitality play in each of the above realities? 31. What roles do SECURITY-COUNCILS play in each of the above realities? 32. What roles do Traditional-Economic-Systems play in each of the above realities? Our Common-Challenge as Members of the Crew of God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship- Earth with its FINITE-SIZE and Essential-Material-Isolation - - - is to respond to all of the above realities in WAYS which will help all of us to Mitigate-All-of-Our Alienative-Conflicts and to Mitigate-ALL-of-our Previously-Generated-Forms-of-Tragic- Alienations by Cooperating/Collaborating within Sustainable-Robust-Enduring Communal- Sanctuaries built-and-maintained by-all for-all to participated Safely-in-Risky-Open- and-Honest-Dialogues about how to work-together to meet all of our healthy-essential- basic-needs with ENOUGH; rather than with non-sustainable levels of EXCESS.