Course Keys **** Few people in the modern world have been educated and trained to understand and defend themselves against the Modern-Threats related to the following realities of modern life in God's Astronomically-Tiny Space-Ship-Earth which is Essentially-Isolated from all significant amounts of Extra-Terrestrial Material-Resources in the planets and moons of our local solar system. Those threats are augmented by the following modern realities: 0. Alienative-Conflicts, Alienations, Estrangements, Polarizations and Dichomizations. 1. Terrors, Terrorism, Terrorists and fighting them with more of the same. 2. Addictions, Addicts and their Codependent-Supporters in our Economic-System. 3. Domineering-Bullies and Mobbing-Mobsters and related efforts to Control-Them. 4. Depression, Repression, Despair and the Loss of Grounds-for-Hope-and-Health. 5. Distrust, Suspicion, Treason and Heresies at Home and Abroad. 6. The Alienative-Violation of Proprieties, Formalities and Taboos by True-Lovers. 7. The Violation of Prescriptions, Proscriptions and Taboos by True-Lovers. 8. The Violation of Domineering-Bullies Modern-Defense-Technologies by True-Lovers. 9. The Violation of Capitalists Prosperity-Principles by True-Lovers. 10. Poverty in the absence of any clear understanding of the roots of Poverty. 11. Poverty in the absence of any clear understanding of Systemic-Vices. 12. Poverty in the absence of the integration of Science into Religious-Institutions. 13. Poverty in the absence of the integration of Love and Technologies. 14. Poverty in the absence of the understanding of Distributive-Justice in the Bible. 15. Poverty in the absence of an understanding of the Futility of More-Prisons. 16. Poverty in the absence of an understanding of the Futility of More-Violent-Weapons. 17. Preparing for more Wars to bring an end to all Wars. 18. Preparing for more Violence to bring an end to Alienative-Conflicts. 19. The futility of trying to be always Invulnerable, rather than Vulnerable in LOVE. 20. The futility of trying to achieve Security in Alienative-Unilateral-Ways-of-FEAR. 21. The futility of all UNILATERAL paths to Redemption, Salvation, Rapture, etc. 22. The futility of trying to avoid Vulnerability in Open-and-Honest-Dialogues. 23. The futility of trying to WIN Collusive-Games-of-Mutual-Self-Deception-in-FEAR. 24. The futility of trying to ignore humans' contributions to Global-Climate-Changes. 25. The futility of pretending that God's Astronomically-Tiny-Space-Ship is NOT-TINY! 26. The futility of pretending Exponential-Growth can continue into all eternity. 27. The futility of responding to some preoccupations with other preoccupations. 28. The futility of responding to the absence of affirmations and hospitality with 0 29. The futility of responding to Enduring Alienative-Conflicts, with more of the same. 30. The futility of asking Domineering-Bullies to save us from Domineering-Bullies!